Living for and in each moment is a wonderful thing until you have to choose between today's immediate moments and the ones that will potentially make-up the foundation of your future.
Maybe an obvious statement, but one that I, more than likely, could not have made only a few years ago.
I find myself in the position of having to decide between today and tomorrow. Tomorrow just happens to win the fight this time. I'm almost cetain that its for the best, though it will definitely require biting my lip and the more than occasional gnashing of teeth. I'll be ok, though. I've bitten and gnashed before.
School. Sweet school. Do you see what I'm giving up for you? What lengths I'm willing to go in your name? How I've missed you so. We'll be together again soon.
Goodbye apartment. Hello savings. Hello school. Hello books. Hello writing.
One goodbye.
Many hellos.
Gotta go with the numbers.
Shit, in a potentially good way.
If you haven't seen this movie, do.
If you have, see it again.
At least 51% of me loves this movie (more actually).
In accordance with current US government and policy, this is not a suggestion. It is a mandate.
*OK the movie was Ghost Dog. The image was up for a day or so, then disappeared. ??? whatever.*
Maybe an obvious statement, but one that I, more than likely, could not have made only a few years ago.
I find myself in the position of having to decide between today and tomorrow. Tomorrow just happens to win the fight this time. I'm almost cetain that its for the best, though it will definitely require biting my lip and the more than occasional gnashing of teeth. I'll be ok, though. I've bitten and gnashed before.
School. Sweet school. Do you see what I'm giving up for you? What lengths I'm willing to go in your name? How I've missed you so. We'll be together again soon.
Goodbye apartment. Hello savings. Hello school. Hello books. Hello writing.
One goodbye.
Many hellos.
Gotta go with the numbers.
Shit, in a potentially good way.
If you haven't seen this movie, do.
If you have, see it again.
At least 51% of me loves this movie (more actually).
In accordance with current US government and policy, this is not a suggestion. It is a mandate.

*OK the movie was Ghost Dog. The image was up for a day or so, then disappeared. ??? whatever.*
". . . and DJ Krush is the producer. I come from Illadelph where your health, you never take for granted. As hot as the equator in a cipher 'round the planet."
were your ears burning last night? cklarock and i were having a bit of an eidolon lovefest over the phone. "he's so cool, he totally gets it, yeah yeah yeah."