horrible times are comming ahead asI am closing in on the night of the production of my play. I don't have a title for it. Don't get me wrong it is done but I just had to think of a title really fast for the program. I came up with "837"...which has less then nothing to do with the plot which I might add is...
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slow huh...i know how that feels...i feel that all the time...reservoir dogs is a kewl movie
i like that one too

Hello would you be my friend?rock on
hey kids...I suppose I might as well update this thing seeing as I am paying for it. My official, often updated online journal you could find at http://DteenieJesus.Diaryland.com
It is great and much reccomened, ah and also my friend Egg's journal at http://www.deadjournal.com/users/12fuckyou
Anyway life has been very empty...not in a negitive way however but in a very hollow floating object way. I have been...
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It is great and much reccomened, ah and also my friend Egg's journal at http://www.deadjournal.com/users/12fuckyou
Anyway life has been very empty...not in a negitive way however but in a very hollow floating object way. I have been...
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but you didn't even write anything in your journal on diaryland.
that is a great site though. kitten coquette (burlesque) has her diary online there. as well as my best friend.
as for egg: after reading your on-line diary. i share your anger at school. i hate it. grrr. i am 4th year and still haven't declared my major.
you guys should have pics for your site.

that is a great site though. kitten coquette (burlesque) has her diary online there. as well as my best friend.
as for egg: after reading your on-line diary. i share your anger at school. i hate it. grrr. i am 4th year and still haven't declared my major.
you guys should have pics for your site.

Morgan: I am trying so very very hard to get the pictures up. I have a few computer problems...working from three of them being able to do this so all of you can just sit down and take a load off before I can get these up.
sick today from my classes although I should have gone, I missed another psychology class, which is never...
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sick today from my classes although I should have gone, I missed another psychology class, which is never...
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Morgan, i'm going to the Gravy Train show too! If you see me, stop by and say hi!
I want to see a pic of your self ankle tat
holler when you get to ATL,
holler when you get to ATL,
Ah yes now Morgan is here typing away and enjoying her membership to this fine site. Girls are fucking hot. Anyway, I should have my picture up soon

welcome you guys
site is way awesome isn't it ...Ooop

oh boy oh boy...it's me, eggie!!! morgan, put our pic-eys up tonite ok babe???
Well this is Morgan here logging in and looking at my profile and...yeah it looks great...uh, right. Alright so for all of thoes of who are somehow confused, there are two people on this ID because we were far too cheap to get two. So deal. I don't think this shall be so bad and disoranized...we will see. Picutres should be up soon, not quite...
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greetings and welcome! glad your here.
you might not want to let people know you are sharing an account. it seems like it should'nt be a big deal but spooky or o will cancel your account if they find out. it's written up in the FAQ and i've seen it happen with other members. they are pretty strict about this rule. you can search the boards for examples. soo you might want to keep it on the downlow.
you might not want to let people know you are sharing an account. it seems like it should'nt be a big deal but spooky or o will cancel your account if they find out. it's written up in the FAQ and i've seen it happen with other members. they are pretty strict about this rule. you can search the boards for examples. soo you might want to keep it on the downlow.