I think any chance of me returning to the website after this free month has been destroyed by this new layout. I've tried giving it a chance but it is nowhere near as easy to navigate as the old layout. It took forever just to find where my "friends" were because it was hidden and relocated. You don't seem to be able to search for...
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It takes a while to get used to. The mobile is harder to get used to than the desktop. Each site has it's pros and cons for sure though. 
I think tomorrow is when my membership here runs up. Not sure if I'm going to renew it again. Haven't heard from anyone in a long while and I seemed to have checked this less and less. In case I don't see ya, goodbye.
Awh what a shame!
You'll be missed!
Aww. If I had extra cash right now I'd help you make that decision. frown
I've been absent quite a while so not sure if anyone is left to read this but no matter.
Just had a birthday. Turned 25. Had a very lonely birthday. Took my last final for my associate's degree. It only took 7 years but I finally got a 2 year degree lol. Things are a mess but I may actually have a step in the...
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Good to see you smile happy belated birthday and congested on the degree smile
I love you!
So I was browsing tumblr and I saw a girl post this...

    over 25?
    no degree, living at home with mommy, and being in your room 24.7...
    NOT OK.
    get a fucking life.

It kind of bothered me and I never let internet stuff get to me. This wasnt directed at me at all but I felt like it was directed at people like me....
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Yeah fuck people like that.
Although I say things online that might be offensive to some but I really only mean it to one person.

Aka, this guy was being a huge doucher and following me around town and being odd.
I told him to "Fuck off, get a job, and stop going to punk rock shows hitting on all the little girls"

My boyfriend than pointed out that he is jobless(but in school) and he is dating someone who is 21 when he is 31.

Be confident and okay in what you're doing if its working for you and its what you want kiss
And I think part of that rant might have been directly made for the people under that condition that will not leave their room to try to find a job or move to the next step of their life. The people who "give up" and play video games literally all the time. I don't think that has anything to do with the people who are trying, even if they get discouraged and backtrack sometimes.
I'm really hoping this isn't foreshadowing of a shitty year to come.

Had funeral stuff this morning for 4 hours, only to go directly to work then to come home where my kid was waiting to play and talk so no time to relax. I get to wake up tomorrow to work 11AM - 9PM, then come home, entertain my son for a bit, miss...
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Maybe its the foreshadowing of you having lots of work to do and getting good money to put your life in the direction you want to go.
I hope 2012 is successful and prosperous for you. biggrin Happy New Year!
I'm glad my brain has decided to protect me whenever I have to get ready or go to this new job. It turns off all of my higher brain function so I can go without screaming, lol.
Damn. you know screaming is half the fun right?? lol
I'm back!

What can I say boredom got the better of me so i thought I'd pop back in and see what was going on.
As you can tell... not much.
