waiting waiting waiting..............
I've had 2 accepted sets waiting to go up for a number of months now.... Twinkie's set has been unqueued since January; Tina's since February.
I've got 2 more that have been submitted, waiting to hear back on those (but I feel pretty positive about both of them)...
And 2 more I have yet to prep, which I think are good quality, fingers crossed.
Plus, I inquired of the Photography dept a couple months ago, since I now have the necessary # of sets accepted to become officially Official, if they would be so kind as to begin considering me....... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes
Still waiting waiting waiting................
I've had 2 accepted sets waiting to go up for a number of months now.... Twinkie's set has been unqueued since January; Tina's since February.
I've got 2 more that have been submitted, waiting to hear back on those (but I feel pretty positive about both of them)...
And 2 more I have yet to prep, which I think are good quality, fingers crossed.
Plus, I inquired of the Photography dept a couple months ago, since I now have the necessary # of sets accepted to become officially Official, if they would be so kind as to begin considering me....... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes
Still waiting waiting waiting................
A great photographer, a cute as hell girl, and an european to boot?
Come on, you had it coming!
Cool to be your friend!