lookin pretty sexy in these new set pictures imho, somehow i doubt that it will be accepted due to my lack of props or proffesional set materials. I think my poses and body are hott as hell, cant wait to see what others think!
Yes you are definitely HOT and have a very beautiful body. I don't know why anyone wouldn't like any pics of you. I look forward to seeing more from you.
Sorry i have not been too active on here! Crazy good times, i am so happy with life i have nothing to say really haha. hopefully ill be getting my next set up soon (just dont hold your breath!) I encourage all of you to be more optimistic in your choices and remember to smile!
This will be my second year in the great Albuquerque area but this will be the first year i am to attend the balloon fiesta! I am very thrilled and cannot wait! I have heard so many great things about this annual festivity that brings many tourists from around the US. So come 5:00am tomorrow morning ill be stuffing my face with hot chocolate and... Read More
Hey dollface, wanted to drop a line letting you know the oblivious, you are entirely too cute! All my love and support, and I'm so happy to find a gem like you.
Also i have just recieved notification of my season 2 haruhi dvd box set is on its way to my glorious apartment, (which is not covered in spider webs and orange lights.)
What you guys know about the 505 flavor?! I got some fire right now called Blue Dream that will melt your face off. But I have to say the varieties of Kush around here are my favorite.
haha i spent my whole day off beating halo reach (which is a great game if you like the original halo's). Yikes...sometimes i wonder how much of this beautiful world i am missing on these days where i spend all my time playing games and watching mst3k/rifftrax.
On another note i can't wait for Sat! Ima smoke a bowl or two with Ricky Robawt ,... Read More