Well, it took over a week in research and nearly 20 hours in implementation, but I am now the proud new owner of my very own wireless/wired ethernet network. If any of you out there ever need info on how to make two PC's, two Macs, and one xBox lay down their differences and happily share one boradband connection, please feel free to drop me a line, as I don't think that anyone should ever have to deal with what I had to go through in order to make it happen.
I start a new job at the end of this week - working as a member of a small photo production crew. We'll be doing all of the sets and shoots for the upcoming Restoration Hardware catalog. Having never done anything even remotely like this before, I have a very vague idea as to what to expect from the next six weeks of work, but i know one thing's for sure; when I'm done with this job, I'm buying myself a Powerbook of my very own. Bye-bye Dell. Hello heaven.
...Yeah, I know that this isn't a very exciting update, and that I'm still talking about Juliana's laptop "as if it's the second coming of Christ", but it's a start, right? I fell out of the habit of updating here a long time ago, and am finding it difficult to get back into it. I wish that I could post entries like J's - we share so much of our lives now - so many common experiences, and yet still she's able to glean such clever and fun-to-read entries out of her days... Me? I sit down to update and end up just staring blankly into the screen, lost in thought. Maybe it's that instead of thinking a lot about the things I enjoy or want to do, I'm simply doing them. I know that I've never in all my life been this happy, this healthy, or this well-matched. I've always known that life could be this good, but until now I've just been working towards it. It feels strange to type these words... strange, but not at all wrong. Not in the least. It's not as if I have everything that I want, but I have everything that I need, and that's a rare thing, that is.
Ok, I'm just rambling now... but at least it's an update. It's a start, anyways...
I start a new job at the end of this week - working as a member of a small photo production crew. We'll be doing all of the sets and shoots for the upcoming Restoration Hardware catalog. Having never done anything even remotely like this before, I have a very vague idea as to what to expect from the next six weeks of work, but i know one thing's for sure; when I'm done with this job, I'm buying myself a Powerbook of my very own. Bye-bye Dell. Hello heaven.
...Yeah, I know that this isn't a very exciting update, and that I'm still talking about Juliana's laptop "as if it's the second coming of Christ", but it's a start, right? I fell out of the habit of updating here a long time ago, and am finding it difficult to get back into it. I wish that I could post entries like J's - we share so much of our lives now - so many common experiences, and yet still she's able to glean such clever and fun-to-read entries out of her days... Me? I sit down to update and end up just staring blankly into the screen, lost in thought. Maybe it's that instead of thinking a lot about the things I enjoy or want to do, I'm simply doing them. I know that I've never in all my life been this happy, this healthy, or this well-matched. I've always known that life could be this good, but until now I've just been working towards it. It feels strange to type these words... strange, but not at all wrong. Not in the least. It's not as if I have everything that I want, but I have everything that I need, and that's a rare thing, that is.
Ok, I'm just rambling now... but at least it's an update. It's a start, anyways...
clever? me? no way. you should know better by now.
oohOOH ima load beastie boys fer the iTunes library. eeeh.