(idea stolen from Twwly's bme page)
= Basic Stuff =
[Name] d. a. t. e.
[Nicknames] johnny, demonio azul
[Screen name] duh
[Birthday] double-duh
[Astrological sign?] triple-duh
[Chinese zodiac sign?] triple-duh with whipped cream and a cherry on top
[Location] to go
[Color] grey. or blue. (greyish blue?)
[Number] odd ones, usually
[Animal] human
[Vehicle] depends on who's driving
[Flower] night-blooming jasmine
[Scent] depends on what and who we're talkin' about
[Drinks] coffee. iced tea w/ tart lemonade. good scotch/whisky. a cold one.
[Fruit] i love fruit - all types, but i've got a thing for cherries & asain pears.
[Soda] gingerale and rootbeers are nice
[Authors] tom robbins. richard brautigan. anais nin. j.k. rowling.
[Bands] (listed elsewhere on this page)
=Do you...=
[Color your hair?] no
[Twirl your hair?] not usually
[Drink/Smoke?] yes
[Like cleaning?] my friends are all laughing at this one
[Write in cursive or print?] print - often in all caps
[Swear a lot?] absofuckinlutely
=Have you ever...=
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] yes - several
[Been in a wreck?] yes - four of them
[Been arrested?] no
[Been in a fist fight?] yes
[Kicked someone in the nuts] on purpose? no
[Stolen anything?] yes
[Held a gun?] yes
[Cheated on someone?] yes
[Been married?] no
[Cried over a girl?] yes
[Cried over a boy?] maybe not in the way that this string of questions implies, but yes.
[Lied to someone?] yes
[Been in love?] oh yes
[Fallen for your best friend?] well, she's my best friend now...does that count?
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yes
[Been rejected?] yes
[Used someone?] yes, but as it went both ways it just made it that much hotter.
[Been cheated on?] yes
[Been kissed?] ?
[Experimented with homosexuality?] yes
[Current mood] pensive/slightly anxious
[Current music] my bloody valentine - sometimes
[Current taste] toothpaste
[Current hair] looks just about the same as it does in that picture up there
[Current smell] cold, clean night air
[Current thing I ought to be doing] right now, absolutely n.o.t.h.i.n.g.
[Current windows open] TapeOp, HomeStarRunner, SuicideGirls
[Current desktop picture] strongbad admiring himself
[Current crush] you know who you are...
[Current favorite celeb] i really don't care about this one
[First best friend] tim winter
[First real date] sarah veale
[First real kiss] out by the bus stop at middle school
[First real break-up] shortly after that kiss
[First screen name] this is the only one i've ever had
[First self purchased album] juice newton's "playin' with the queen of hearts"
[First funeral] i've never been to one. i always had to stay home and look after my little sisters.
[First pets] my poor boiled goldfish
[First piercing/tattoo] ears @ 13 - tattoos @ 27
[First credit card] i've never had one
[First big trip] w/ my family: to the colorado rockies when i was 7. on my own: 8 weeks in a van on tour.
[First musician you remember hearing in your house] my father
[Last car ride] back from a bar this evening with eric tucker
[Last kiss] 2.24.04
[Last good cry] late last december
[Last library book checked out] i don't often go to the library - but the last book i purchased was "Life Of Pi".
[Last movie seen] let america laugh
[Last beverage drank] lagunitas IPA
[Last food consumed] cookies from the black muslim bakery
[Last phone call] incoming call - 11:30pm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
[Last time showered] earlier today
[Last shoes worn] i'm still wearing them
[Last item bought] two cd's and a last round of beers
[Last annoyance] my boss, earlier today, @ job #1
[Last disappointment]
[Last time wanting to die] most of last year
[Last time scolded] 12.31.03
[Last shirt worn] red MurderCityDevils t-shirt
[Last website visited] bme
= Basic Stuff =
[Name] d. a. t. e.
[Nicknames] johnny, demonio azul
[Screen name] duh
[Birthday] double-duh
[Astrological sign?] triple-duh
[Chinese zodiac sign?] triple-duh with whipped cream and a cherry on top
[Location] to go
[Color] grey. or blue. (greyish blue?)
[Number] odd ones, usually
[Animal] human
[Vehicle] depends on who's driving
[Flower] night-blooming jasmine
[Scent] depends on what and who we're talkin' about
[Drinks] coffee. iced tea w/ tart lemonade. good scotch/whisky. a cold one.
[Fruit] i love fruit - all types, but i've got a thing for cherries & asain pears.
[Soda] gingerale and rootbeers are nice
[Authors] tom robbins. richard brautigan. anais nin. j.k. rowling.
[Bands] (listed elsewhere on this page)
=Do you...=
[Color your hair?] no
[Twirl your hair?] not usually
[Drink/Smoke?] yes
[Like cleaning?] my friends are all laughing at this one
[Write in cursive or print?] print - often in all caps
[Swear a lot?] absofuckinlutely
=Have you ever...=
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] yes - several
[Been in a wreck?] yes - four of them
[Been arrested?] no
[Been in a fist fight?] yes
[Kicked someone in the nuts] on purpose? no
[Stolen anything?] yes
[Held a gun?] yes
[Cheated on someone?] yes
[Been married?] no
[Cried over a girl?] yes
[Cried over a boy?] maybe not in the way that this string of questions implies, but yes.
[Lied to someone?] yes
[Been in love?] oh yes
[Fallen for your best friend?] well, she's my best friend now...does that count?
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yes
[Been rejected?] yes
[Used someone?] yes, but as it went both ways it just made it that much hotter.
[Been cheated on?] yes
[Been kissed?] ?
[Experimented with homosexuality?] yes
[Current mood] pensive/slightly anxious
[Current music] my bloody valentine - sometimes
[Current taste] toothpaste
[Current hair] looks just about the same as it does in that picture up there
[Current smell] cold, clean night air
[Current thing I ought to be doing] right now, absolutely n.o.t.h.i.n.g.
[Current windows open] TapeOp, HomeStarRunner, SuicideGirls
[Current desktop picture] strongbad admiring himself
[Current crush] you know who you are...
[Current favorite celeb] i really don't care about this one
[First best friend] tim winter
[First real date] sarah veale
[First real kiss] out by the bus stop at middle school
[First real break-up] shortly after that kiss
[First screen name] this is the only one i've ever had
[First self purchased album] juice newton's "playin' with the queen of hearts"
[First funeral] i've never been to one. i always had to stay home and look after my little sisters.
[First pets] my poor boiled goldfish
[First piercing/tattoo] ears @ 13 - tattoos @ 27
[First credit card] i've never had one
[First big trip] w/ my family: to the colorado rockies when i was 7. on my own: 8 weeks in a van on tour.
[First musician you remember hearing in your house] my father
[Last car ride] back from a bar this evening with eric tucker
[Last kiss] 2.24.04
[Last good cry] late last december
[Last library book checked out] i don't often go to the library - but the last book i purchased was "Life Of Pi".
[Last movie seen] let america laugh
[Last beverage drank] lagunitas IPA
[Last food consumed] cookies from the black muslim bakery
[Last phone call] incoming call - 11:30pm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
[Last time showered] earlier today
[Last shoes worn] i'm still wearing them
[Last item bought] two cd's and a last round of beers
[Last annoyance] my boss, earlier today, @ job #1
[Last disappointment]
[Last time wanting to die] most of last year
[Last time scolded] 12.31.03
[Last shirt worn] red MurderCityDevils t-shirt
[Last website visited] bme
you are...slightly less creepy than i thought.
[Edited on Mar 02, 2004 12:43AM]