just when i thought that things would be winding down, they get busier. the last 6 weeks of my life have been like one long listen to Bolero. it just gets more and more intense, building up and building up into a hectic, frenzied climax -- which i'd be comparing to really hot sex (as per usual) if it wasn't for how not-hot and notveryfun it's all been. maybe it's been more like being pregnant and giving birth, but on a much more racaous, triple-speed scale.
...but it's almost over
and when it is, the calm may be deafening.
this weeks' to-do list:
- give notice at job #1
- work both jobs
- wrap the few presents i bought this year
- finish cleaning the bathroom
- finish cleaning the bedroom
- finish cleaning everything else
- do laundry
there's more, but frankly i just don't have time to write it all down...and i have that horrible, sneaking, backofthehead feeling that i'm forgetting something really, really important.
i probably won't be on here much until the new year, so to all of my friends and loved ones here, have a fucking great christmas/holiday and a supremely decadant new year's night.
...first one to wake up on the 1st loses.
just when i thought that things would be winding down, they get busier. the last 6 weeks of my life have been like one long listen to Bolero. it just gets more and more intense, building up and building up into a hectic, frenzied climax -- which i'd be comparing to really hot sex (as per usual) if it wasn't for how not-hot and notveryfun it's all been. maybe it's been more like being pregnant and giving birth, but on a much more racaous, triple-speed scale.
...but it's almost over
and when it is, the calm may be deafening.
this weeks' to-do list:
- give notice at job #1
- work both jobs
- wrap the few presents i bought this year
- finish cleaning the bathroom
- finish cleaning the bedroom
- finish cleaning everything else
- do laundry
there's more, but frankly i just don't have time to write it all down...and i have that horrible, sneaking, backofthehead feeling that i'm forgetting something really, really important.
i probably won't be on here much until the new year, so to all of my friends and loved ones here, have a fucking great christmas/holiday and a supremely decadant new year's night.
...first one to wake up on the 1st loses.
Of course, we ALL know i'm a shoe-in to win the category of Who Can Sleep In The Longest Amongst Those We Know.