Updated Profile
Someone Gifted Me the account, Anonymous, thank you.
Im very Tired now, and a little buzzed.
Someone Gifted Me the account, Anonymous, thank you.
Im very Tired now, and a little buzzed.
Holy crap , it was my birthday , 4 , well , technically 5 days ago. How the fuck has everyone been !! On vacation , in a small town , internet is jittery and hard to keep up with. So , not much to do , been drinking , and eating. Just being fat I guess .
didnt do anything much for the birthday...
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didnt do anything much for the birthday...
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Thank you!

Update !
From Left Field , where no one expects it.
My feet are wet , why , because the main line supplying the house with water has ruptered and is (was) pouring water into my bedroom !!
Whoosh !!!
There goes all my belongings out of the room as quickly as I possibly can, What a headache that was. Between wet-dry vac's and puddles...
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From Left Field , where no one expects it.
My feet are wet , why , because the main line supplying the house with water has ruptered and is (was) pouring water into my bedroom !!
Whoosh !!!
There goes all my belongings out of the room as quickly as I possibly can, What a headache that was. Between wet-dry vac's and puddles...
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get stupid drunk as if it wasn't part of a regular cycle of alcoholism leading to an early death
Ow! Your liver hurts! Happy Birthday, you absent animal!

Holiday update !
Its christmas eve , and i know , I shouldnt be in here updating. Instead is hould be out doing last minute shopping , and paying money back to those I owe , and juts overall spending time witht he fam.
But I love You All So Much
Anywho , have a glorius new years , and best wises to you and...
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Its christmas eve , and i know , I shouldnt be in here updating. Instead is hould be out doing last minute shopping , and paying money back to those I owe , and juts overall spending time witht he fam.
But I love You All So Much

Anywho , have a glorius new years , and best wises to you and...
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So its that time of the year , time for turkey , ham , and what have you. Good eats are just around the corner. In 5 days I leave for the great white north , Fort Mcmurray Alberta.
Im too comfortable with this warm vancouver weather , its driving me insanse. It doesnt even feel warm either. I...
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Im too comfortable with this warm vancouver weather , its driving me insanse. It doesnt even feel warm either. I...
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I've never heard of a chicken tree...
How long are you in McMurray for? All us SG types should get together..we could hang at the classiest joint in existance...THE GARDEN..yuck.
How long are you in McMurray for? All us SG types should get together..we could hang at the classiest joint in existance...THE GARDEN..yuck.

So I updated the profile. Nothing Major to add , nothing major to take away.
No more ICQ UIN , never use it.
What I added though , was Chronicles of Narnia to the favorite Books section. Ive been reading the series when I get a spare moment , and I must say Ive been enjoying it. C.S. Lewis has a very vivid imagination ,...
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No more ICQ UIN , never use it.
What I added though , was Chronicles of Narnia to the favorite Books section. Ive been reading the series when I get a spare moment , and I must say Ive been enjoying it. C.S. Lewis has a very vivid imagination ,...
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Yeah that got a little tiresome at first, but half way throught the film I forgot it was there.
So yeah, those questions I had about digital animation. Looks like I qualify for retraining, but it has to be a 1 year program, any recommendations?
So yeah, those questions I had about digital animation. Looks like I qualify for retraining, but it has to be a 1 year program, any recommendations?
City of Heroes is my happy place!
Oi ,
So whats been up with me , I think its time for an update.
Been busy making video games at the school. It kills my social life , what little social life I have anyway. Done in Two weeks so will have a bit more time then. Will be posting screenshots and what have you of the mod. It uses Unreal Tournament 2004...
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So whats been up with me , I think its time for an update.
Been busy making video games at the school. It kills my social life , what little social life I have anyway. Done in Two weeks so will have a bit more time then. Will be posting screenshots and what have you of the mod. It uses Unreal Tournament 2004...
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Sounds like it will be a very cool game. How are you liking what you are doing? Is it all the cool fun you imagined game design would be, or are on the door step of virtual suicide?
The reason I ask is; I think I might be due for some job retraining and I have been considering this field. I have some experience with 3D Studio Max, and I really enjoyed doing stuff with it. Of course I realize that creating stuff for myself at home is probably a whole different ball game. Anyway input needed. What software package should I focus on, I think I'll try to pick a school from there, hopefully here in Edmonton.
Anyway Hero; yes the story was unusual, but I used to read a lot of Chinese fables and they are all like that.
I'm not sure I agreed with the message. Peace through domination and war. Couldn't the same king or whatever he was, have achieved peace, by negotiations or even surrender? I mean if peace was the goal worth sacrifice, then surely it was worth surrender.
And now that we know how they think should we be more worried? Although personally I don't think I would mind if they came and put old G.W.Bush down and forced thier way of life on the ignorant masses down south. But I don't suppose Emporer Whathizwhozit will support thinks like gay marriage either. THere you go hell of a first post. Feel free to delete it when you are done reading it. haha
The reason I ask is; I think I might be due for some job retraining and I have been considering this field. I have some experience with 3D Studio Max, and I really enjoyed doing stuff with it. Of course I realize that creating stuff for myself at home is probably a whole different ball game. Anyway input needed. What software package should I focus on, I think I'll try to pick a school from there, hopefully here in Edmonton.
Anyway Hero; yes the story was unusual, but I used to read a lot of Chinese fables and they are all like that.
I'm not sure I agreed with the message. Peace through domination and war. Couldn't the same king or whatever he was, have achieved peace, by negotiations or even surrender? I mean if peace was the goal worth sacrifice, then surely it was worth surrender.
And now that we know how they think should we be more worried? Although personally I don't think I would mind if they came and put old G.W.Bush down and forced thier way of life on the ignorant masses down south. But I don't suppose Emporer Whathizwhozit will support thinks like gay marriage either. THere you go hell of a first post. Feel free to delete it when you are done reading it. haha
updating.... now
So , nothing new. Still playing games like mad. Still making games. still drinking and eating too much pizza.
I just had poutine...mmm mmm good.
Going to be going up to the fort for christmas , and new years. Would love to go see the SG party , but alas , will not be able too. Will arrange for it next year for...
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So , nothing new. Still playing games like mad. Still making games. still drinking and eating too much pizza.
I just had poutine...mmm mmm good.
Going to be going up to the fort for christmas , and new years. Would love to go see the SG party , but alas , will not be able too. Will arrange for it next year for...
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I bet it's actually winter up there. Here is still mild fall.
you have disappeared from the site again...
So its been a looong time. Got good news , got bad news , got nonsense and stupid occurences. All of which , aside from the bad news , is a good thing.
Lets go....good news first.
I have EQ2. I enjoy the game. I play it way too much.
Bad News....
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So its been a looong time. Got good news , got bad news , got nonsense and stupid occurences. All of which , aside from the bad news , is a good thing.
Lets go....good news first.
I have EQ2. I enjoy the game. I play it way too much.
Bad News....
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Go join SGWEST Group and you've gotta come to the Vancouver Christmas Party!
[Edited on Nov 19, 2004 4:37PM]

[Edited on Nov 19, 2004 4:37PM]
That's some pretty rough news. One of the guys I went to school with killed himself about 6 years ago. It's a brutal world.
Ha. I told you that game would get you...

So im out of videogames to play. Ive played a lot , and still have so many that I have not even tried , but I dont really feel like playing any of them. I stopped playing dot-hack a while back , and I went through C&C red alert 2 and the expansion , I played some sims 2 as well.
I wish they...
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So im out of videogames to play. Ive played a lot , and still have so many that I have not even tried , but I dont really feel like playing any of them. I stopped playing dot-hack a while back , and I went through C&C red alert 2 and the expansion , I played some sims 2 as well.
I wish they...
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Keep in mind the 5yr old boy that determines my usual viewing. We wanted to watch buffy, but considering that it is season six... with all the sex... we watched Thomas instead.
Keep in mind the 5yr old boy that determines my usual viewing. We wanted to watch buffy, but considering that it is season six... with all the sex... we watched Thomas instead.
i've come to hate that which is pastry. *shudder*
well if you're interested in buying a super awesometastic hat from me...email me! jemsuicide-at-gmail.com with what ya want..colors...design...etc. and i'll get back to you.
well if you're interested in buying a super awesometastic hat from me...email me! jemsuicide-at-gmail.com with what ya want..colors...design...etc. and i'll get back to you.