When did the world become obscure?
When did the people become human?
Isn't this the same world I saw through clear eyes?
Aren't these the heroes I thought would never fall?
Too much confusion, obligation, corruption -
Too much imbued obfuscation -
My world doesn't match the one I begged -
Family is a word without borders - nebulous.
A few moments each, each a trail of thought that led nowhere, but occupied my time while I waited to hand out appeasement - toys and hygiene products to women and children whose husbands and fathers are imprisoned, terrorists.
I never realized before just how important art was to me. For months, I've had a blank canvas and some paint brushes in my room, but everytime I tried to order paints, the company was out of stock. I occasionally spared the canvas a forlorn glance, but it was generally too painful to look at for long. On Sunday, that changed - a friend of... Read More
I've been having a hard time emoting since I got back to Iraq. Leave was, well, wonderful (an understatement), but now that I'm back, I just don't have words. I hear about something tragic, and think only, "hm, that sucks" in a bland sort of way; I hear about something beautiful, like my dear friend Chiquita getting married, and think, "hm, that's nice" in the... Read More
I wrote this on the flight from Germany back to the States. We flew at night, and the three-quarters moon, Her face raised to the heavens before us, seemed to be guiding us home. I didn't find words to describe it until just before we came to the shores, as She dipped, finally, into the waters. This is a stream of thought, written in real... Read More
But I can't seem to find the words. Or rather, I cannot find the emotion.
I watched a raven today, while I was waiting at the bus stop after chow. He was circling above me, with dozens of others - a murder, I think it's called, as opposed to a flock. The pattern was like an infinity symbol, only with three... Read More