So this is what happens when you lose the light at the end of your tunnel... you learn to see in the dark.
That word - Love - should be culled from the human language. It's more murderous than any physical weapon.
And in the end, all I really know for sure is exactly how much this hurts.
That word - Love - should be culled from the human language. It's more murderous than any physical weapon.
And in the end, all I really know for sure is exactly how much this hurts.
It is a shame that your Baby's daddy wants to walk on the whole
deal. I feel cheated when I have to return my daughter early, or
get her at a later time. Be thankful that he isn't taking Baby with him.
BF trying to cope with being in the Shit by ignoring those back home
is distressing. You've been there and understand; he should have found the
contact grounding.
Love is vastly misused but don't condem it. From the shards of this shattered
Heart you will grow another one. Maybe it won't be broken and maybe it will.
But that's what makes us human. The Love that you have for your son
is going to help you weather this.
If you really need to vent; I'll listen or go to the 'Dating Sucks Group'.
I'm sure that there is a 'Single Parent Group' and a 'Mom's" if you need
You'll pull through. For what it is worth a Big Virtual Hug.