so the overdue return of the hot pink hair is coming!!!
Im so excited. its going to be black with the pink underneath. well i get off extra duty tomrorrow. and not a day to late either cuz im about to kill the girl im stuck on extra duty with. shes driving me crazy!!!! We had to repaint a hallway on a floor of hte barracks and some how while we were all asleep. she decided to take paint theinner and touch ofp the edges. wow... she spilt the shit everwhere and ive spent my night tt. ng to stip the wax up and re wax and rebuff it. im almost done. i have to go back in the morning and finish it. and i found away to get my monroe back without making the military angry about it.. and imma get a labret. i cant do my eyebrow or my cheeks cuz itd be too obvious. anyhow. just ranting and raving agout the crazy ppl u get stuck having to be nice to in the army. oh well. hopefully she gets smarter one day... and hopefully soon. goodnite sg...

Hello darling