hi.. i dont have much to really say. Ft. Sam Houston is boring as hell though...
added later:
well im sitting here in my bunk. i stayed in tonight. its kinda peaceful because almost all of the barracks is empty. i hate running into the ppl i have to see everyday on our lame off days. anyways. i added some pictures that ive taken while i was here on fort sam. its pretty damn boring here.. it really sux. theres really only so many things to do in san antonio after about 7 months. i cant wait to go home. geez. theres some akward army pictures in that folder too. anyways. how is everyone? i think im getting a cold.... who would have guessed. my bunk is only right underneath a vent that usually blows out a/c instead of heat. it sux ass. yah im complaining alot. any

added later:
well im sitting here in my bunk. i stayed in tonight. its kinda peaceful because almost all of the barracks is empty. i hate running into the ppl i have to see everyday on our lame off days. anyways. i added some pictures that ive taken while i was here on fort sam. its pretty damn boring here.. it really sux. theres really only so many things to do in san antonio after about 7 months. i cant wait to go home. geez. theres some akward army pictures in that folder too. anyways. how is everyone? i think im getting a cold.... who would have guessed. my bunk is only right underneath a vent that usually blows out a/c instead of heat. it sux ass. yah im complaining alot. any
Why thank you.
You're not so bad yourself.