Ah, Thanksgiving. The mostly ignored holiday stuffed between the fun of the Halloween season and the joy of the Christmas season. But seriously, who doesn't love a holiday where the only requirement is to eat as much of everything as possible?

A big thank you to @snaggletooth_fenton for tagging me!

1. We usually end up watching both the parade and football but I definitely lean
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Thank you for the tag @dwestfan13 I'll do my list soon 😊 πŸ™ enjoyed your answers
I am having trouble putting this on my post so here are my answers. Football; casual; pumpkin; stuffing; mashed; neither; attend; both

I don't do blogging.

That's a strange start to a blog post, I know, but it's true. I can count on one hand the number of times I've ever made what you could consider a 'blog post'. I don't often have things on my mind that I think are important enough to bother calling out, I usually just shrug it off and move on. However,...
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I suppose saying something is better than nothing.Β  I typically just defaulted to a 'like' if I couldn't think of something that didn't sound odd haha
It's good that you put thought into this. Personally I am happy with positive comments on my body on my SG photosets, but I cannot speak for any one else. I often think about complimenting the model and the photographer on their choice of style, setting, outfit, lighting, creativity, poses, uniqueness ! If you're worried about seeming creepy, perhaps focus on complimenting their imagination and individuality πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€