im getting ready to go to the gas station to fill a gas can with malt liquor. its been a wild few days, and i think i have a
girlfriend again, i met her at a show last week and we had a great time, maby ill try to keep this one for a while, im not to sure, id rather be alone most days,...
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kiss kiss kiss
i am finally home after a hell of a voyage, its been such a trip from here to where and back again, the trials and tribulations
all seem to fade into a grey now that ive been home a day.
i slept for about 29 hours then awoke to my same ol ways
getting high and thinking about sex 6 times every 6 seconds,
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awe fuct is the results of zig-zagged zooted camera havin a deadite dusty to splatter along an information highway.
im a bit of flash bulb buckshot, spliff smokin, diplomatic relations during a foreign and domestic beer double fisting,
cut and captioned roadkill i think i woke up off camera with vomit in one of my pockets. that was a suprise. i cant remember if it...
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i went to a new poetry bar thursday, and since it was my first time there, ive written 3 new half assed poems, i thought you,
my dearest dopers and dreamers might get a kick out of em.
WARNING: this is the product of a bottle of vodka and a fist full of pills... you have the right to hate the materials ive shared, but...
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i was just working on a new song, and i accedently erased the entire thing! i think im going to scream... i dont even know what happened, but i remember everything, so ill just re record the whole thing, i want to freak out. but i wont,
i want to, but i wont. grrrr ill leave a real entry later
this week is getting rough, im glad tho for the bits of drugs i find to pacify my screaming mind, maby someday ill find a better way, i hope that my bottles of pills and drink dont forsake me, leaving me so cold and alone, if so then may death take me with a smile as wide as the prison cell that holds my mind,...
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i like to smoke a jib as i rise out of bed, some times i need to be shaken just to be waken. would you join me?
when i get home i shower and take a break, i decompress from the days lights ray
i rest till darken and then i rise to my feet, drink a few cocktails then, i go back to sleep,...
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Very nice.
the weekend is through, i spent the while drinking the reddest of wines and the coldest tequila. gosh its been difficult
the last month, i hope that october cuts me some fuckin slack.
so weak and weary,
rest now my thoughts,
these wounds have stopped
bleeding, from
suicidal cuts.
life holds me seeping,
but wont be im seeing.
the light has now faded,
but nothing...
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the last thing in the world i would damn would be the rain....that is if i were god,
but im content with being a simple deadite rag doll. i wouldnt want the job anyways, i dont want to hate anyone.
id rather open my arms like hell, to all whom are weak and weary of heaven and all between us. id rather be a lover...
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Hey, it could be worse. Everytime I run into my ex, I burst into tears. Then I get mad for all the shit he did to me. But I never hit him. Must think of it the next time I see him...
today while i staggered drunkenly through my favorite cemetary, i thought of you, my precious few, i thought of the shadows the moon casts below your foot, as you stood above my broken corpse, your dagger still dripping with crimson woe, i thought how fitting it would be if one of you, my fine friends,
were to be the one that would end this toil...
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hey back to ya!! Your words are very beautiful yet kinda melancholy..
So you liked my picture of me and my fav vodka, huh?
you do rather pop in and out, don't you?

nothing for what seems like months, then lovely poetics/philosophies.

i think i'm just gonna treat you as one of life's little mysteries. wink
hell-o ghouls and bodies,
from chaos i send you a smile as long and as bright as a mouse turd. today was one of those days, chasing junkies and spankin monkeys..mostly spankin monkeys, ive finnished 2 songs that will appear on my new album this fall entitled invirtro to the church. the latest addition is called dead bettys and another fresh one im calling never...
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can't wait to hear what's keepin' you so busy smile

Oh, I get up to Albany once in awhile. Where is Northern Lights? Is it in NYC and I just haven't been paying attention? Yeah, I'd like to see Type 0 Negative- only have one cd by them "October Rust" which I bought because someone suggested "Cinnamin Girl"... but I like some of the other songs better- VERY dark!

Tried to email you but, the email came back...so email ME at sensuality@gmail.com.

kiss kiss kiss