Did ever you feel so? I hope you never.
It's got so I dont even know for sure
Whether I am glad, sorry, or anything.
There's nothing but a voice-like left inside
That seems to tell me how I ought to feel,
And would feel if I wasn't all gone wrong.

Robert Frost confused
I like to make up my own lyrics to existing songs. Next time you have a minute try it yourself and then share. We'll both laugh. Here's my latest:

I want your scar-arf
I need your scar-arf
I want your scar-arf
I need your scar-arf

Collect the wool from little sheep
And wrap it 'round my ne-eck
Chop the wool off little sheep
And wear it 'round my ne-eck!
A very happy Unbirthday to you, Who Me? No you, not me biggrin
But how does you visiting Victoria enrich my life?

*crawls back into pit of selfishness*
aw crap! i've been offline for a while so i missed the day...

happy belatedness!
Would that I could gather your houses into my hand, and like a sower scatter them in forest and meadow.

Would the valleys were your streets, and the green paths your alleys, that you might seek one another through vineyards, and come with fragrance of the earth in your garments.

But these things are not yet to be.

In their fear your forefathers gathered you...
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>only two's company

silly. smile
Wherever you are, I hope you're enjoying your birthday. kiss
There is no ocean like the one within, look to the moonrise with the tides and swim.
Drove to a state park today just so I could run in a different local. Change a scenery can be worth it sometimes. I also figured I should clean the system before polluting it tonight. Drivin up to the llake to do some "camping". Hope you all find...
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If the cat finds it and brings it to me as a gift I will fall apart. I do NOT like crawly things, especially the non-mammal kind.
Do you ever get the chills when you hear someone say " I was dreaming" and it feels like a reflection, or deja vu. Something that bounced from their mouth and into your brain and gets stuck there, richocheting, knocing memories loose, forcing you to ask questions. The question is the same that you have in that waking state, between the dream world and reality....
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i hope it wasnt an incubus!
im awake and its 5:30am i should be sleeping. would i rather be sleeping? i dont know.
*climbing tall redwood and waving large net into atmosphere to scoop you up since you seem to have fallen off the...*
I decided to sleep on the floor next to the coffee table the other night. My bed is soft and saggy like old man breasts and is killing my back. So I awake at about 5:40 somethin and attempt to make my way to the bathroom. I make it about 3 inches from th ground where the tables corner is waiting to meet the ridge...
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yeah it is hard to do that
i am thinking with the right brain
i am not going to let this become something it is not
i don't want to hurt someone's feelings
who are you?
if you only knew sweetie.
What the fuck ?eeek
Human Shield protestors are being fined for advocating debate and a peacefull solution in Iraq.frown
Arnold the Terminator is leading in the re-election poles without once speaking out on any issues. We stopped pretending to care about more than image and money in a candidate. robot
Bush finally gets an environmental advisor who will go along with his rape of mother nature....
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I think my sense of humor has been heightened, because I think it's funny that I can't see. biggrin
leo is fuzzy and barks constantly when i'm gone, unless someone distracts him before i leave and i sneak out in which case he's mildly confused but calmer and he chewed the door on saturday but i think it's cuz i stayed out late and no-one was home and he was scared.

hmmm, sounds like you read the same front page i did this morning. that was the beginning of my day at work, and it affected me about the same. if bush touches one fucking tree in the national forests that he's "opened up" in my stomping grounds, i'm gonna bring some angry s.g.'s up there and kick his ass.

it does hurt to give a damn, but misery loves company wink
I saw a full moon washing the hills pale. And with the light I nearly forgot night which called for me to sleep or was it to weep. I bled today but not enough to consider it sacrifice. Not enough to feel pain, or loss, or emotion spill. Just a scratch, denial or truth, belief or realization. A need to create and be created is...
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I became drunk with the beauty and singing rythm of it, and for a moment I lost myself - actually lost my life. I was set free! I dissolved in the sea, became white sails and fying spray, became beauty and rythm, became moonlight and the ship and the high dim-starred sky! I belonged, without past or future, within peace and unity and a wild...
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wheee...i actually had the same experience as ol' eugene when i was 19 and travelling through georgia. i was staying at a youth hostel in the forest that was all geodesic domes and treehouses and i went out one night and looked up at the sky and dissolved. i wrote about it iin the hostel log book, and when my best friend went there last summer, he ran across it and called me and read it on my answering machine. smile

i dare you to seek out this experience this weekend d.d.!
YOU have not been online which must mean that you are away from your computer, which could mean that you are out and about doing something magnificently glorious.

or that you're dead...
The beauty is not the same without the pain.Forever dicotomy, forever joy and sorrow, love and hate, light and darkness, celebration and grief, ignorance and belief. Just feel like rain, or snow, or even leaves blowing in the moonlight.
the secret is to try to not get hooked by the good stuff!

so i got off my lazy ass. ok, well, actually, i sat my lazy ass down and finally set up an sg email account soooo....WRITE ME! at (drumroll pleez) tigerlilypurr@hotmail.com

altho i'll warn ya, i'm inconsistent until i get my own computer, and these days, i'm checkin this site first!

you'll still write to my journal right? *sniff
It twas the best of times , it twas the worst of times. Right now I cant think of any statement that rings more true. Well I have a three day weekend, much deserved. Now what to do with myself? I was thinking of taking an adventure. Sometimes I just hop in the car and start driving in a general direction. Usually just looking for...
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well, wherever yer spending the weekend, you seem to be away from your computer....whhheeee! good for you.

i wanto hear all about it when you get back! smile
I dont know if this is right, but I love lightning love
I guess its not the same as liking tornadoes, flash floods, or earthquakes. But to me its still one of those destructive forces of nature that we're supposed to awe and fear. And then theres the constant comparison between chances of (>>>wink occurring and your chance of being struck by lightning. By the way,...
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everytime i visit my dick grandpa in the desert- no matter what the forecast is supposed to be- there is a lightening storm. i sit out on his second story veranda and watch it, wishing i would get struck so i don't have to listen to him anymore. perhaps it is a omen that we clash so much. either way it's so blue and misty and alive, not like regular ol' oregon rain- gray and normal.
actually you should go out with your tin foil hat, sit on your roof, while holding a metal rake. i mean, no reason to take chances right (of being missed, of course!)

not much lightening in the city, and i so miss it. as a kid, i spent the summers in maine on a lake, and there'd be these FEROCIOUS thunder and lightening sessions where we'd watch in fascinated horror at all the folks in their little metal boats frantically rowing home, and then all of us taking duck and cover as the lightening would hit the grounding wire on the tree right outside our window, thundering deafening. everyone's hair floating up with the electricity...wheeee!!