Watch me become a living snow mountain
As I become a Walking Grave
A soldier with no desire to kill
Jester with too many tears
That open grave in my graveyard is finally closed,
But you try to come out.
The nurses shift's over
School's out
My mouth is clean and homework done
but I have not graduated.
the murky water that beats ashore
and the faceless mountain that stands over me
a beggar by trade
fabricator of broken hearts.
the flag that does not fly in the still air.
i don't know what Kingdom i was meant to build
but you're welcome on my junkyard.
a smile of broken teeth
a wave of the hand that flips you off.
Kinematics that give birth to a demonic dynamo
a Vortex, My vortex of destruction
welcome inside the warm little center that melts your life
and shows my true facet.
a bitter taste in your mouth that you linger for
and a train without rails, a reaper of discouragement
my blankets are warm the touch of my hand sweet
stare into my eye and see why my heart has ceased to beat.
remember that there was only one night. one night one night one night
where i did love you and i was the best the one, the prince the man
look at me now unclothed in my hatred
see the minstrel of truth his honesty sharp as a sword
my truth is way too grim and burrs of sadness will fall from the open wounds i inflicted upon you.
i never wanted to claim your soul
I am too confused to know what i want
but you let yourself go don't blame me for your own discomfort
hear O hear my diatribe my diatribe against myself
How i wish i could get drunk on banter and silly kisses from your lips.
not in a enchanted forest but in quiet darkness of your room.
I hate the snow
i hate the snow
Oh i dug my own grave
there's no eulogy to be said
no flowers to be given
the wake is the wake of the end
11 days beofre the birth of the son
the only son who was conceived midst
dance club lights and drug abused blood laced with alcohol.
Oh hail him!
Oh worship him
tall in the midst of the rabble
see him carve himself with his own troubles
i does not wash off it does not wash off.
As I become a Walking Grave
A soldier with no desire to kill
Jester with too many tears
That open grave in my graveyard is finally closed,
But you try to come out.
The nurses shift's over
School's out
My mouth is clean and homework done
but I have not graduated.
the murky water that beats ashore
and the faceless mountain that stands over me
a beggar by trade
fabricator of broken hearts.
the flag that does not fly in the still air.
i don't know what Kingdom i was meant to build
but you're welcome on my junkyard.
a smile of broken teeth
a wave of the hand that flips you off.
Kinematics that give birth to a demonic dynamo
a Vortex, My vortex of destruction
welcome inside the warm little center that melts your life
and shows my true facet.
a bitter taste in your mouth that you linger for
and a train without rails, a reaper of discouragement
my blankets are warm the touch of my hand sweet
stare into my eye and see why my heart has ceased to beat.
remember that there was only one night. one night one night one night
where i did love you and i was the best the one, the prince the man
look at me now unclothed in my hatred
see the minstrel of truth his honesty sharp as a sword
my truth is way too grim and burrs of sadness will fall from the open wounds i inflicted upon you.
i never wanted to claim your soul
I am too confused to know what i want
but you let yourself go don't blame me for your own discomfort
hear O hear my diatribe my diatribe against myself
How i wish i could get drunk on banter and silly kisses from your lips.
not in a enchanted forest but in quiet darkness of your room.
I hate the snow
i hate the snow
Oh i dug my own grave
there's no eulogy to be said
no flowers to be given
the wake is the wake of the end
11 days beofre the birth of the son
the only son who was conceived midst
dance club lights and drug abused blood laced with alcohol.
Oh hail him!
Oh worship him
tall in the midst of the rabble
see him carve himself with his own troubles
i does not wash off it does not wash off.
ja te deixei sozinha doente pra tras
um cavalo velho que nunca sequer ganhou uma corrida.
castelo de pedra, coracao de marmore
perdoe-me querida por que eu falhei
eu me decepciono
sem saber o que fazer
a poeira tapou meu nariz
e secou meus labios
nem um beijo de amor posso te dar.
minhas lagrimas encravadas fundidas nos meus olhos
nao ha mais felicidade, somente a pausa da tristeza.
sem voce nao sou nada
sem voce nao sou nada
sem voce miha vida vale nada.
que floresta encantada
que paisagem maravilhosa
a escuridao do teu quarto com voce
vale mais do que mil por do sois
sem voce eu nao sou ninguem, Tessa.