it has been busy now with my trips to salt lake and being with tessa. she is wonderful. i quit UPS tahnk goodness and now i'm just at McD's full time for now. they are stingy and militaristic, like all the other jobs i've had here. so uptight. cali jobs were so mellow. so now i'm just wondering when and under what circumstance i'll move,...
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decided to leave UPS, tomorrow will be my last day. i'm no longer broke or alone, so i don't need to work 15 hours a day 6 days a week. Mickey D's full time now, and brian doesn't understand that i'm not moving to SD in a hurry to get shit canned by autumn and chad. fuck it, i'll just keep taking it easy here....
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so, Xmas was fucking awesome!!!!!!!
met sixele from here and went to tooele, 70 miles from orem, and it was just another isolated small town. decided on the last minute to go and i am glad i did it. I even had a piece of a Xmas ham that Jennifer Anniston cooked. had chocolate and ate enough that i didn't nedd to eat today at...
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last day of UPS for this week. Thank the Lord!! one more day of fedex ahead and that's it for my FedEx experience. hopefully Mcdonald's will give me some more hours to compensate. i plan to keep my fedex pants, since they are the most comfortable pair of pants i've ever wore. i'm glad i was able to "acquire" fedex mail bins before i left....
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tired. my dad rather see me in the deepest emotional shit with him than lend me money to go to brazil to relax. i don't even think my suicide would get my point across to him. 2 more days of this Xmas shit. then, two days of being alone. i plan on getting drunk just on amaretto and eggnog and watching movies all day. jolly...
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furious @ UPS--the busier they are the slower the sort is---doesn't make any sense. @ work until 11, goodbye 7 hours of sleep. they should have the drivers come back to unload their pickups and then continue with their deliveries. outside temperature--13 F, temperature inside warehouse--13 F freezing my ass for 5 hours everyday. Fedex was a breeze today considering they reached their peak. hopefully...
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one day of hell week down, 5 to go. apparently, my friend's aunt is friends with a producer from atlantic, and i'm sure the band is getting closer and closer to a record deal. it's freezing here and there's snow everywhere. i can't wait to get out of here.
Hey! That's damned good news, best of luck with getting the deal!
slept for over 12 hours today. exhausted. my firneds aunt is friend with a producer from atlantic records. holy crap. it's a matter of time. spoken with brian again, all is good. snowed like crazy here, it's going to suck delivering packages tomorrow. i took some nyquil just in case my throat acts up. i hope i''l be able to leave here in peace and...
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talked to jessie my drummer friend and he's down with me coming back to the band. he sure wasn't as happy as brian was, but, whatever, our situation wasn't as good and tight as supposedly they're now, so we'll have to see. i will call chad and then autumn after that. i'm really tired. i just hope we'll communicate well and be happy as far...
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got paid from fedex even though they still own me one paycheck. got a picture with Ronald McDonald today. he went to visit the store i work at, and i don;t care what you say, he looked exactly like the Ronald in the commercials. McDonald's food is so potent though, i ate a steak bagel meal at 8 o'clock and i'm still to be hungry...
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got paid today from ups and it felt good. i'm so glad rovas is there to cheer me up. tired though. even if i had money there wouldn't be much difference in my life here there's not much goiung on here unless there's a BYU game. i'm going to bed early today.
work is grueling, and apparently i will receive all the money i've been expecting. 4 months in utah. My heart is so bitter right now, i'm trying to fight it off so hard. it's affecting everything i do. jessica and i pretty much vocalized our bitterness to each other today. fuck... now i'm so sure it's over. in lighter news, i finally have spoken with...
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