it's official--moved to salt lake. the place isn't the best but at least i found something. i'm glad to be here with Tessa even though one of her roommates is being a drama queen because she doesn't have a boyfriend. half way done with my church ordeal. all i need is to get a signature from my stake presidency and i'm done--forever with the mormon...
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less than a week to move out. no place. tessa doesn't like the fact i'm a member of SG. i met her through this website and she also held a membership. funny. tomorrow orientation at fedex, let's see. i'm super prepared. still cold as hell. have been eating a lot of junk food. my father did it again. he knows how to get to me....
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can't believe it has been a week since i posted. well still looking for places. my roommates are all with this inner tension that i thankfully have nothing to do with, maybe for the fact i have a GIRLFRIEND and that's exactly what they need. my b-day yesterday. 27. wow. absolutely have no recollection of last years b-day. it was my best since forever. spent...
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Utah Retrospective '07;
I already did my 06 retospective. it's time to retrospect Provo/Orem 06/07 5 months in.
4 jobs.
1 move {another on the way}
been cold
been bored
My great girlfriend Tessa that has literally saved my life and kept me alive and positive through past and present shit.
been and am broke {what's new}
lost my Father forever {not to death}
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I already did my 06 retospective. it's time to retrospect Provo/Orem 06/07 5 months in.
4 jobs.
1 move {another on the way}
been cold
been bored
My great girlfriend Tessa that has literally saved my life and kept me alive and positive through past and present shit.
been and am broke {what's new}
lost my Father forever {not to death}
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how do you keep people happy?
by lying to them.
by lying to them.
Watch me become a living snow mountain
As I become a Walking Grave
A soldier with no desire to kill
Jester with too many tears
That open grave in my graveyard is finally closed,
But you try to come out.
The nurses shift's over
School's out
My mouth is clean and homework done
but I have not graduated.
the murky water that beats ashore
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As I become a Walking Grave
A soldier with no desire to kill
Jester with too many tears
That open grave in my graveyard is finally closed,
But you try to come out.
The nurses shift's over
School's out
My mouth is clean and homework done
but I have not graduated.
the murky water that beats ashore
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sem voce o que farei?
ja te deixei sozinha doente pra tras
um cavalo velho que nunca sequer ganhou uma corrida.
castelo de pedra, coracao de marmore
perdoe-me querida por que eu falhei
eu me decepciono
sem saber o que fazer
a poeira tapou meu nariz
e secou meus labios
nem um beijo de amor posso te dar.
minhas lagrimas encravadas fundidas nos meus olhos
nao ha mais felicidade, somente a pausa da tristeza.
sem voce nao sou nada
sem voce nao sou nada
sem voce miha vida vale nada.
que floresta encantada
que paisagem maravilhosa
a escuridao do teu quarto com voce
vale mais do que mil por do sois
sem voce eu nao sou ninguem, Tessa.
ja te deixei sozinha doente pra tras
um cavalo velho que nunca sequer ganhou uma corrida.
castelo de pedra, coracao de marmore
perdoe-me querida por que eu falhei
eu me decepciono
sem saber o que fazer
a poeira tapou meu nariz
e secou meus labios
nem um beijo de amor posso te dar.
minhas lagrimas encravadas fundidas nos meus olhos
nao ha mais felicidade, somente a pausa da tristeza.
sem voce nao sou nada
sem voce nao sou nada
sem voce miha vida vale nada.
que floresta encantada
que paisagem maravilhosa
a escuridao do teu quarto com voce
vale mais do que mil por do sois
sem voce eu nao sou ninguem, Tessa.
good friend my ass!
lost money and a friend.
but i mourn the loss of my money a lot more.
good friend my ass!
lost money and a friend.
but i mourn the loss of my money a lot more.
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................well, nothing new but my father is the most insensitive fuck i've ever met. I can't believe i came out of this guy's urethra. all the money i had saved is gone on his piece of shit van. i have to move out of my house in the end of this month but i have no van, no money no place to go. it's going...
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Alright World, it's official:
TessaRuby and I are Boyfriend and Girlfriend!!!!! yes I'm not gay. hard to believe but I'm so happy......!
besides the deep shit that happened this weekend, i actually tackeld it all witha strange sense of tranquility, of such i've never seen.
TessaRuby and I are Boyfriend and Girlfriend!!!!! yes I'm not gay. hard to believe but I'm so happy......!
besides the deep shit that happened this weekend, i actually tackeld it all witha strange sense of tranquility, of such i've never seen.
besides the fact that i had a wonderful Xmas and Even better new years, here's what's going on;
Autumn and Chad don't call me back. what i say to that? fuck them. i will not move to san diego in a hurry just because they "might" take me back. it's not fair for me and just because i left the band doesn't mean i become...
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new years is over, but it was awesome, and how grateful i am for SG for opening the doors to new friends and experiences. never once i thought that the mormon beehive would be home for a few rebellious worker bees. so i quit UPS happily so and now i'm just chilling, sobering up and trying to stick with my new food consumption choices. my...
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