Trying to have a dialogue with people that don't think is a worthless endeavor.
My grandparent was "International Humanist of the Year," blacklisted by McCarthy, had dinner with the Kennedys after picketing the White House, and was one of the most important scientists of the 20th century.
My parents were both Phd scientists, one of whom was instrumental in California science curriculum before his death.
I learned a long time ago that information is far more important than who...
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My parents were both Phd scientists, one of whom was instrumental in California science curriculum before his death.
I learned a long time ago that information is far more important than who...
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Dude. Update the blog.
Thankfully, I will never have to read a word of your nonsense again.
I admire the hell out of you, Fearboy. Quite manly.
Dude. Update your blog.
Last Monday was a surreal day after a surreal week. It all started a few weeks before with a jury summons.
There were 60 people being called in to select 14. I made the cut. We sat for three days listening to testimony, seeing evidence, and taking notes. I went through two notepads, without a single doodle. Never getting drowsy, always paying attention, I saw...
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There were 60 people being called in to select 14. I made the cut. We sat for three days listening to testimony, seeing evidence, and taking notes. I went through two notepads, without a single doodle. Never getting drowsy, always paying attention, I saw...
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Had a very good time at a shoot today with a couple of very pretty SuicideGirls.
I realized, based upon what I was thinking during the time, that A) I'm old, B) I am old, C) I'm not as young as I once was, and D) I'm truly an artist. I kept looking at them thinking things like, "Wow, her eyes are just great!", "Look...
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I realized, based upon what I was thinking during the time, that A) I'm old, B) I am old, C) I'm not as young as I once was, and D) I'm truly an artist. I kept looking at them thinking things like, "Wow, her eyes are just great!", "Look...
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thanks again for helping us!!!!
and don't say you're old!!!! 

totally not old dude. You are awesome and I really appreciated your help and insight. Hopefully I will be back and we can do it again in the next 6-8 weeks. woo weeee
Has anyone actually READ "Brave New World?"
The more I see the face of the new American politics, left and right, the more obvious is Huxley's genius. For a man born only 30 years after the civil war, and many decades before computing, he saw such a vision of what we'd become, and why.
Back then it was a horrible science fiction scenario. Now, well,...
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The more I see the face of the new American politics, left and right, the more obvious is Huxley's genius. For a man born only 30 years after the civil war, and many decades before computing, he saw such a vision of what we'd become, and why.
Back then it was a horrible science fiction scenario. Now, well,...
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Brave New World is one of my favorite books. I did my senior English AP project on it.
A blind man sits sipping his beer at a bar and says, "Hey, bartender! You wanna hear a blonde joke?"
The bartender replies rather icily, " Buddy, there's three people here. Me, I'm blonde, the biker babe three stools down from you with the skulls and crossbones is blonde, as well as her butch girlfriend. You REALLY think you wanna tell that joke?"
The man...
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The bartender replies rather icily, " Buddy, there's three people here. Me, I'm blonde, the biker babe three stools down from you with the skulls and crossbones is blonde, as well as her butch girlfriend. You REALLY think you wanna tell that joke?"
The man...
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Haha. Nice.
For the past while I've spent a lot of time working with kids at Children's Healthcare Atlanta. I've seen really tough stuff, but I've also seen absolutely wonderful things - amazing surgical results letting a deaf girl hear, spinal surgery to straighten horrific curves, facial reconstructions to remove hideous deformities, and much more. People like to be free with their praise of my work, but...
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It's been a STINKIN' long time since the last time I updated. Nobody called, nobody wrote. One can't expect it, of course.
Being old (45), self employed, and the dad of girls old enough to BE suicidegirls puts a different perspective from what is usually found here. I've discovered there just isn't any substitute for actually putting in the days that make up a life-...
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Being old (45), self employed, and the dad of girls old enough to BE suicidegirls puts a different perspective from what is usually found here. I've discovered there just isn't any substitute for actually putting in the days that make up a life-...
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Congrats on the book! Can you divulge any details, or shall I wait for the release like the rest of the punters?
Your son's situation is heartbreaking. I will keep him in my thoughts and (such as they are these days) prayers. I do know from my own life and those of loved ones that sometimes the brightest lives are those that have suffered the most. Your son has huge challenges in front of him, but perhaps with your help he can persevere.
A note about dueling: in England at one period of time, the rapier (a thin, piercing blade) was generally harrumphed and eventually outlawed as it had become the fashion with the young gentlemen of the time. Of course, the weapon's swarthy Mediterranean-ness might have been enough to turn the establishment against it, but they also considered (quite rightly) that fighting with a sissified pointy stick would only dull the Englishman's prowess with the English long-sword -- a proper weapon of war should (coughwhencough) England find Herself at odds with some Continental power.
But perhaps most importantly, they felt they had to stop these gentlemen dueling with fencing swords because a typical rapier wound went *through* the torso of its target, usually leaving the target enough time before shock set in to put his rapier *through* the torso of the original stabee. Then, of course, the short-bladed weapons in the off-hand would come into play, probably once both gentlemen were already on the ground, rolling around in the mud, feces, bile and blood.
One gentleman would die on the day, and the 'winner' would get to die more slowly as he (bled out internally / died from infection / died from organ failure).
Aaaaaand . . . there's your Human History So Stupid It Must Be True Fact of the day.
p.s. I got married.
Your son's situation is heartbreaking. I will keep him in my thoughts and (such as they are these days) prayers. I do know from my own life and those of loved ones that sometimes the brightest lives are those that have suffered the most. Your son has huge challenges in front of him, but perhaps with your help he can persevere.
A note about dueling: in England at one period of time, the rapier (a thin, piercing blade) was generally harrumphed and eventually outlawed as it had become the fashion with the young gentlemen of the time. Of course, the weapon's swarthy Mediterranean-ness might have been enough to turn the establishment against it, but they also considered (quite rightly) that fighting with a sissified pointy stick would only dull the Englishman's prowess with the English long-sword -- a proper weapon of war should (coughwhencough) England find Herself at odds with some Continental power.
But perhaps most importantly, they felt they had to stop these gentlemen dueling with fencing swords because a typical rapier wound went *through* the torso of its target, usually leaving the target enough time before shock set in to put his rapier *through* the torso of the original stabee. Then, of course, the short-bladed weapons in the off-hand would come into play, probably once both gentlemen were already on the ground, rolling around in the mud, feces, bile and blood.
One gentleman would die on the day, and the 'winner' would get to die more slowly as he (bled out internally / died from infection / died from organ failure).
Aaaaaand . . . there's your Human History So Stupid It Must Be True Fact of the day.
p.s. I got married.

The avatar.
I had me sideways, I had me with a dog. Not intimately with a dog, mind you. Just, there was a dog in the picture. Now I have a dragon.
I don't think I'm a dragon. Some people allegedly think they are dragons. Seriously. Dragons stuck in a human body. One of my kids goes to school with someone who thinks she's a...
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I had me sideways, I had me with a dog. Not intimately with a dog, mind you. Just, there was a dog in the picture. Now I have a dragon.
I don't think I'm a dragon. Some people allegedly think they are dragons. Seriously. Dragons stuck in a human body. One of my kids goes to school with someone who thinks she's a...
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That is a picture of Natalie Portman. It's from Garden State and I HIGHLY recommend you check it out - SOON. It's a brilliant movie. The character she plays makes me feel like Zach Braff knew me in another life. Needless to say... I'm a fan. 

I love the phrase "lesbian trapped in a man's body" - I have a friend who describes himself the exact same way.
Got a ticket to the Masters, and what a place it is.
More ugly clothes there than at JC Penney. More overweight white folk than there are seats in (all) Waffle Houses. And oh-my-gosh, how beautiful the grounds are.
Golfers are strange folk. Or perhaps I was the strange one there. While others have their little cameras taking shots of Tiger Woods from about eight...
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More ugly clothes there than at JC Penney. More overweight white folk than there are seats in (all) Waffle Houses. And oh-my-gosh, how beautiful the grounds are.
Golfers are strange folk. Or perhaps I was the strange one there. While others have their little cameras taking shots of Tiger Woods from about eight...
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(not at all related to blog comment
you are totally forgiven, no worries ;]

you are totally forgiven, no worries ;]
I'd never even contemplated the existance of golf groupies, but there ya go. I bet they're hotter than heavy metal groupies, but not nearly as hot as spanish soccer groupies.
Here is a link if you would like to check out more details about PRS 513
I created a picture folder with my guitars, take a look
Thanks for the insight on Zion guitars and you are a very kind man to donate your art for the CD cover!
PRS guitars has a yearly event where they give tours of their factory, I'm looking forward to see it next year, since it must be very interesting to see the hard work and detail that goes into the manufacturing of guitars.
Yep, playing one is quite tough, I'm not very good either, it requires lots of practice and motivation to continue even when there is no immediate success. My goal is to play almost every day until my fingers hurt