In case anyone ran across the last post and is wondering, I am actually finished. BA in Art Studio, minors in Psychology and Art History, and currently looking for shows and "those people with money who buy art" and applying for a thousand jobs I'm unqualified to do.

Cause fuck it, that's why!

Until I get my website up, you can see all the current...
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Been a while since I put any thoughts in this little box. I've almost got a degree in studio art (painting focus) as well as minors in psychology and art history. The faster I'm done, the faster I can shake off all the academic bullshit and get some works done again.

Chances are I won't be posting blogs here anymore. For one, I'm not terribly...
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yes, i do actually. maybe next blog i'll upload some stage photos
Sometimes I vote for an MR set solely because the hopeful's username is so painfully cheesy, I'd rather see them with an SG name instead.

I kinda wish I was a fly on the wall for some of the site decisions here. I don't know how or why the photographer decision was made, but I can damn well guess.

Maybe it's the same reason the front page articles disappeared, to be replaced with blogs for which no one needs to be paid.

Please, bring on the generic. Kill whatever's left...
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Things are alright.

I don't see a crisis on the way.

It's great, but it makes for a damn boring post.
No news like good news. Happy birthday!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Let me introduce you to a neat little trick the english language has developed-

Homophones: these are words that are pronounced the same, but have different meanings and, often, different spellings.

I italicized the most relevant part. You can search "common homophone errors" for some basic lists of these. Learn them, use them properly, and be a more competent and literate adult....
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Swoon. love
I have at least 3 more semesters to go if I get accepted as a BFA in the fall.

I'm not terribly happy about it; but on the other hand, why waste this much schooling and not bother with it? It's not as though I've ever had illusions about success as an artist- making all of the education purposeful only unto itself.
And since that's...
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Sigh.... signed on here another year. Mixed feelings about it, but we'll see.
I think the site has eaten my last three posts, or else I forgot to hit the proper button.

Spring semester started today. I made it out of fall with a D (for diploma, or delightful) in Spanish- meaning I should be done with that- and a couple of Bs and an A. Considering how burned out I've been since summer, that's just fine with...
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It's nothing personal, but all you people who don't get sick every time the temperature shifts 20 degrees.....

I'm gonna go drink a gallon of cough syrup and improve my outlook. Excuse me.


But seriously, what's with the slow trickle of MR sets? Did the data suggest that most members (of a site whose primary draw is nude picture sets)...
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