I don't know what's more agonizing, waiting around to find out if you've been accepted for something (doesn't matter what, but in my case it would be a very lucrative booth in an art fair), or that in order to continue doing what you really want to do you have to play by someone else's rules.
I'd gotten to the point where I could actually make some money painting, but I'm not in a position to find a better market. Almost anywhere would be better than this backassward town, I think most places hard work might actually be an asset.
Feels like I'm choking on my own motivation.
I'd gotten to the point where I could actually make some money painting, but I'm not in a position to find a better market. Almost anywhere would be better than this backassward town, I think most places hard work might actually be an asset.
Feels like I'm choking on my own motivation.

IMO continuie doing. I had this same problem - do or wait. I decided "do" - it always moves you one step further instead of being in place!

eep! i hope you get it! did you?