so tonight i broke my favorite coffee mug
got a ticket for going 58 in a 30
and decided to dump a hot 18 year old for what turned out to be a mistake on my part.
there were other things going on, but the 'straw that broke the camel's back' was her not calling me back on saturday. turns out i just missed her call cause i was playing some music.
after she protested, i found out that her call was in fact in my call history, i just missed it.
if i wasnt me this would be hilarious in a pathetic sort of way
in other news: lucy took away the football while i was trying to kick it and i fell on my back
got a ticket for going 58 in a 30
and decided to dump a hot 18 year old for what turned out to be a mistake on my part.
there were other things going on, but the 'straw that broke the camel's back' was her not calling me back on saturday. turns out i just missed her call cause i was playing some music.
after she protested, i found out that her call was in fact in my call history, i just missed it.
if i wasnt me this would be hilarious in a pathetic sort of way
in other news: lucy took away the football while i was trying to kick it and i fell on my back
Don't let Lucy hold the ball anymore.