


thats right kiddos. me and my main homeboy Johnny Unstoppable took a little roadtrip. we woke up early on wednesday and one six pack, half a pack of cigarettes, 8 sodas, and about 12.5 hours later we were in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I love new mexico. Not to live in, of course, but the scenery is great.
We got a bite to eat and then got wasted in Albuquerque. We ended the night in a bar that was either a gay bar, or just full of college students, it was really hard to tell which.
i love the road. i love seeing new things. i love exploring new cities. i love this country
there is nothing as refreshing and completely new as surrounding yourself with new people/things/sights/scenery/weather.
now im back and im regular again for the next week or so before routine sets in and routine thoughts run through my brain again.
tomorrow im off to find a NEW job and then go see a rock n roll band.
And you're journal entry, can I just say...you're my idol!!! And "We ended the night in a bar that was either a gay bar, or full of college students, it was really hard to tell which" CLASSIC!
Thanks for the nice comment too, people have been really cool. Maybe it will happen one day, fingers crossed.