gee sir, I'ma gettin ccnfused. Read your entries over the last few days... seems like AE is the only one to come this way every day... I sorry...will try do better...
Did the Denton PD come by again? Is you alright? Igor misses you you know.. Igor is from the tail-end of the baby-boomer generation, and not va-cunt. But he still agrees that sex doesn't mean anything.
good to hear your ok. course now you got someone else to pay which sucks, but as long as your ok. Goin to duluth to see our master work tonight and tomorrow, to show support if its needed. Its needed on Monday nights when she's usually there, don't know about later in the week..
Did the Denton PD come by again? Is you alright? Igor misses you you know.. Igor is from the tail-end of the baby-boomer generation, and not va-cunt. But he still agrees that sex doesn't mean anything.
I'll give her a hug for ya though!