so today some guy tried to start a fight with me.
my car doesnt work and i dont have the money to fix it, so i had to get a ride to work from one of the girls that works there. apparently she is in the process of breaking up with her boyfriend of 4 years. also apparently he thought that i was tresspassing or something by being in her car.
so he starts yelling at me about this and that and pushing me around etc.
i went inside and clocked in. everyone at work thinks im a sissy now, which i guess, i pretty much am.
hooray for drama
my car doesnt work and i dont have the money to fix it, so i had to get a ride to work from one of the girls that works there. apparently she is in the process of breaking up with her boyfriend of 4 years. also apparently he thought that i was tresspassing or something by being in her car.
so he starts yelling at me about this and that and pushing me around etc.
i went inside and clocked in. everyone at work thinks im a sissy now, which i guess, i pretty much am.
hooray for drama
It was kinda neat, I spent 2 weeks visiting all 8 "capitals" of Austria by train and youth hostel. Salzburg, Vienna, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Eisenstadt, Graz, Bregenz and Linz.(and I passed through St. Polten on the train, the "9th" capital).
Actually, St. Polten is the capital, but Vienna is so large that this game I have lists it as one of the capitals and not St. Polten... I wanted to visit all the cities in the game.