Things seem to be going well.
meta graditated from a college. Which is totally awesome and I feel so proud of her I don't think it's even sunk in yet. You should go congratulate her. She's like, in a completely different league of people now. She's one of those people who tells me, and most other people, what to do. I think her family was really proud too. It was a good day. They even had Ann Bancroft as the fucking speaker. Ann "crossed Antarctica" Bancroft. Totally awesome. Her speech was a little lackluster but it's still cool.
Speaking of which, it looks like college may not be in my immediate future. I owe about 4 grand to the school I went to before. All of which I need to pay before I can get my transcript. That probably won't be possible for a little while. Especially in light of the fact that I, apparently, owe almost that much again in medical bills from last summer. So, I guess it will be a little while before I'm in the black again
Work is relatively good. The guys all like me pretty well. Though I have been text messaging like a motherfucker. Got to upgrade that plan.
Oh yea! we also got a cat. His name is Charlie. He's ok.... for a cat.
Also, Steve Earle is great.
meta graditated from a college. Which is totally awesome and I feel so proud of her I don't think it's even sunk in yet. You should go congratulate her. She's like, in a completely different league of people now. She's one of those people who tells me, and most other people, what to do. I think her family was really proud too. It was a good day. They even had Ann Bancroft as the fucking speaker. Ann "crossed Antarctica" Bancroft. Totally awesome. Her speech was a little lackluster but it's still cool.
Speaking of which, it looks like college may not be in my immediate future. I owe about 4 grand to the school I went to before. All of which I need to pay before I can get my transcript. That probably won't be possible for a little while. Especially in light of the fact that I, apparently, owe almost that much again in medical bills from last summer. So, I guess it will be a little while before I'm in the black again
Work is relatively good. The guys all like me pretty well. Though I have been text messaging like a motherfucker. Got to upgrade that plan.
Oh yea! we also got a cat. His name is Charlie. He's ok.... for a cat.
Also, Steve Earle is great.
fuckin' a, you guys.