So I'm in Need of a Little Advice
For anyone who happens to come across this entry, your two cents would be appreciated:
I recently found out that my supervisor is leaving (hallefuckingjuyah) and her position is going to be open. What she does is actually more similar to what I did at my last job than what I do now, but on a much larger scale. So I'm not sure, having only been here for a couple of months, if throwing my hat in the ring for this position now would make me look stupid and possibly hurt me in the future for any potential ladder climbing. Like, maybe I should wait a bit longer before people actually know who the hell I am and what kind of employee I am before I start asking for a salary and a promotion... or would sitting around and waiting maybe make me look like I'm not the tight, young, go-getter that I am?
I haven't done a lot of intercompany promotion in the past. Usually I leave one place to work for another, better one, but this company is good enough that I want to stick around for a reasonably long time.
So advice = good.
So thats that. things a re still good aside from this searing stomach pain.
And I'm going to eat breakfast. Because thats the most important thing
Of the things we eat
It's so Cold in Alaska
how about Seattle?
St. Paul is okay too, I guess. I'm glad you're here.