3 hours of sleep a night and 1 meal a day makes DrStinky something something
pass out?
dont mind if I do!
last night Im standing in my friends kitchen when all of a sudden, whoooom. my vision goes all sideways. next thing I know, im on the floor. seeing spots, cold sweats, and about to blow chunks. i lurch myself over to the toilet and puke more violently than i think i ever have. i was half expecting to see some vital organs come up.
no dice on the organs
10 minutes later, more.
again 20 minutes after that. and then another time later, before I could see straight enough to get myself into the car and drive home.
a bit nervewracking but I feel pretty much normal today so I guess its past.
later today i get to talk to the land lord to see if i can work something out. i cant pay the full rent right now and i wont be able to pay it next month either. So i need to cancel the lease, figure out how the fuck im going to pay: a deposit on a new place (since i will most likely loose this one), first months rent, bills for this month, repair costs to make stupid VW pass emissions, tickets from car not being inspected because of emissions crap, and credit card.
this is all extra annoying only because oh shit, i have to pay every possible bill and tickets gone to warrant is pretty much a constant state for me, but it was never because i got stabbed in the back by a spineless dillweed i thought was my buddy.
i guess you cant count on anyone
cera cer-fuckin-a
maybe ill finally move away. ive been thinking about that for a long long time
i had another one of those dreams where i fall in love last night. this time she had curly blonde hair. the cute girl at the gas station. i thought she hated me but i asked her out anyways and when she said 'yes, she was hoping i would' everything was ok. we were so happy. and it was rainbows. and unicorns. and fluffy fucking cotton candy love.
But it felt good
god thats so annoying. ive gotten so good at not worrying about relationships in real life.
sometimes i think about establishing human contact again but its been so so long i dont know if id even remember how.
i dunno
i bet sailing would be fun. ive never been sailing
come sail away with me
song from last journal entry. Morphine - Free Love
pass out?
dont mind if I do!
last night Im standing in my friends kitchen when all of a sudden, whoooom. my vision goes all sideways. next thing I know, im on the floor. seeing spots, cold sweats, and about to blow chunks. i lurch myself over to the toilet and puke more violently than i think i ever have. i was half expecting to see some vital organs come up.
no dice on the organs
10 minutes later, more.
again 20 minutes after that. and then another time later, before I could see straight enough to get myself into the car and drive home.
a bit nervewracking but I feel pretty much normal today so I guess its past.
later today i get to talk to the land lord to see if i can work something out. i cant pay the full rent right now and i wont be able to pay it next month either. So i need to cancel the lease, figure out how the fuck im going to pay: a deposit on a new place (since i will most likely loose this one), first months rent, bills for this month, repair costs to make stupid VW pass emissions, tickets from car not being inspected because of emissions crap, and credit card.
this is all extra annoying only because oh shit, i have to pay every possible bill and tickets gone to warrant is pretty much a constant state for me, but it was never because i got stabbed in the back by a spineless dillweed i thought was my buddy.
i guess you cant count on anyone
cera cer-fuckin-a
maybe ill finally move away. ive been thinking about that for a long long time
i had another one of those dreams where i fall in love last night. this time she had curly blonde hair. the cute girl at the gas station. i thought she hated me but i asked her out anyways and when she said 'yes, she was hoping i would' everything was ok. we were so happy. and it was rainbows. and unicorns. and fluffy fucking cotton candy love.
But it felt good
god thats so annoying. ive gotten so good at not worrying about relationships in real life.
sometimes i think about establishing human contact again but its been so so long i dont know if id even remember how.
i dunno
i bet sailing would be fun. ive never been sailing
come sail away with me

song from last journal entry. Morphine - Free Love
I haven't used AIM in probably a year. mostly due to the fact that I hate everyone, including my friends.
I think it gives people something to rely on, something to turn to when the answers aren't there. Religion is the answer for all questions, not having religion, like me, leaves room for a lot of confusion and a lot more questions.