Who's Your favorite Spice Girl?
The Sporty One
The Sporty One
The Pretty One
The Other One
The blonde One
The Fifth One
Group Image
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
from left to right: Geri, Mel, Mel, Victoria, and Emma

from left to right: Geri, Mel, Mel, Victoria, and Emma
100 random facts about DrStinkypants
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
1. i dont like talking about myself
2. this is because arrogance turns me off more than most anything else
3. i am exactly 50/50 Irish/German... like Robert Duvall!
4. i idnetify more with the Irish side, even though i am closer, generationally, to Germany
5. my grandfather was in the Hitler Youth
6. while he was, his entire family was killed by british bombs (good band name).
7. he, and i, would most likely not be here today if he werent a nazi
8. my parents are divorced
9. it was pretty messy, police were called, random trips to canada ensued, etc.
10. me and my sister became really close during that time
11. i love my sister and she is probably the only person on the planet that i could say understands me
12. ive never told her that
13. i dont ever say things like that
14. i was in and out of the hospital somewhat regularly when i was a kid
15. im not really sure how that affected my family but i know that it did
16. i dont know how to cook hardley anything
17. i realize im too old for it to be cute that i cant cook anything
18. i never learn because i dont like eating
19. when i get dressed i have to put the left pantleg/shoe/etc on first
20. i dont know why i started doing that
21. i dont own a comb, brush, or shampoo
22. thats not as crusty as it sounds, i happen to have gotten lucky in the hair department
23. all through high school i never got a single zit, now i get them all the time
24. my favorite body part on myself is my forehead
25. i dont think im physically good looking or attractive
26. not even a little
27. i stopped caring about that a long time ago
28. ive never had a cavity
29. which is weird cause i dont take care of my teeth very well
30. i tend not to have hobbies/interests for more than a year at a time
31. this i means i know enough to talk about, but not a lot about: kung fu, cars, motorcycles, racing, paintball guns, swords, writing, comic books, anime, camping, fishing, hunting, christianity, and music
32. of the above, music is the only one im still interested in
33. i can play guitar
34. poorly
35. i cant sing. not even a little. totally tone deaf
36. my favorite thanksgiving food is pumpkin pie
37. seriously, ill eat like, 3 or 4 whole pumpkin pies on my own thanksgiving weekend
38. my favorite christmas food is lebkuchen
39. i dont know if any of you have a clue what the hell that is, but its good. its a cookie
40. i kind of want kids
41. the most common things i hear when meeting people are "you seem relly smart" and "youre hilarious"
42. i dont really think i am either
43. even so, i can do pretty much anything if i set my mind to it.
44. this doesnt happen very often
45. i used to eat candy constatly
46. now i cant stand sweets
47. i like spicy food
48. i think its sexy
49. the first real CD i ever bought was Ramones "Mania" in 9 grade, in Cleveland
50. i bought it because i wanted a CD and they played i wanna be sedated on my so called life
51. i dont think real, honest love exists.
52. if it does, i dont want any part of it
53. i dont really see myself getting involved seriously again
54. before a few years ago i had no idea how to talk to girls/go on dates
55. now that i know, it all bores me
56. i had my first kiss when i was 17
57. it was after my first date, just an awkward kiss on the lips
58. it was awful
59. ive never slept with a girl i couldnt get to cum
60. my first car was an 89 honda accord
61. it was a peice of shit
62. i wish i had a full suit of armor i could wear in public
63. i hate watching sports
64. i played soccer for 11 years
65. cause my mom is german, they love that shit
66. i used to only speak german
67. id like to live in germany
68. im constantly thinking about moving
69. even if i stay in one town for a while, i cant stand to live in the same place for more than a year
70. i hate being at home
71. i love driving
72. i have no idea how i havent killed myself in a car yet
73. i almost drove my camaro into a pizza place
74. instead, i managed to slide it into a telephone poll
75. it sucked
76. after that, i bought a broke down Porsche, and tought myself how to drive stick
77. i didnt celebrate halloween as a kid
78. in retrospect i dont think i was missing out on much
79. i am a member of the official Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Club
80. when i was 10 i wrote a leter to president reagen and someone wrote back as if it were him
81. that always made me like reagen
82. i met steven tyler when my dad went to rehab
83. he freaked me out
84. im sterile
85. not because of steven tyler. i just am
86. nothing makes me happier than knowing that
87. my dad used to worry i was gay
88. he was really releived when i brought home my first girlfriend
89. he still kicked us out cause he didnt like the idea of us having sex in his house or something like that
90. i used to cut myself, i have scars all up and down my legs
91. i made a promise one night to someone i loved that i would never do it again and i havent since
92. i think AC/DC is seriously one of the best bands to ever exist
93. the first time i heard "the man in black" i cried
94. i almost never cry
95. i give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they may be a cool person until they prove me wrong
96. i give no one the benefit of the doubt that they may be trustworthy until they prove them self
97. once someone betrays my trust i can not ever really trust them again, even if i want to
98. ive never broken a bone
99. i think tuesday is pretty alright. im glad we e-met
100. i aplologize to anyone who read this whole thing. if i ever meet any of you in real life, remind me, and ill let you sock me in the stomach
1. i dont like talking about myself
2. this is because arrogance turns me off more than most anything else
3. i am exactly 50/50 Irish/German... like Robert Duvall!
4. i idnetify more with the Irish side, even though i am closer, generationally, to Germany
5. my grandfather was in the Hitler Youth
6. while he was, his entire family was killed by british bombs (good band name).
7. he, and i, would most likely not be here today if he werent a nazi
8. my parents are divorced
9. it was pretty messy, police were called, random trips to canada ensued, etc.
10. me and my sister became really close during that time
11. i love my sister and she is probably the only person on the planet that i could say understands me
12. ive never told her that
13. i dont ever say things like that
14. i was in and out of the hospital somewhat regularly when i was a kid
15. im not really sure how that affected my family but i know that it did
16. i dont know how to cook hardley anything
17. i realize im too old for it to be cute that i cant cook anything
18. i never learn because i dont like eating
19. when i get dressed i have to put the left pantleg/shoe/etc on first
20. i dont know why i started doing that
21. i dont own a comb, brush, or shampoo
22. thats not as crusty as it sounds, i happen to have gotten lucky in the hair department
23. all through high school i never got a single zit, now i get them all the time
24. my favorite body part on myself is my forehead
25. i dont think im physically good looking or attractive
26. not even a little
27. i stopped caring about that a long time ago
28. ive never had a cavity
29. which is weird cause i dont take care of my teeth very well
30. i tend not to have hobbies/interests for more than a year at a time
31. this i means i know enough to talk about, but not a lot about: kung fu, cars, motorcycles, racing, paintball guns, swords, writing, comic books, anime, camping, fishing, hunting, christianity, and music
32. of the above, music is the only one im still interested in
33. i can play guitar
34. poorly
35. i cant sing. not even a little. totally tone deaf
36. my favorite thanksgiving food is pumpkin pie
37. seriously, ill eat like, 3 or 4 whole pumpkin pies on my own thanksgiving weekend
38. my favorite christmas food is lebkuchen
39. i dont know if any of you have a clue what the hell that is, but its good. its a cookie
40. i kind of want kids
41. the most common things i hear when meeting people are "you seem relly smart" and "youre hilarious"
42. i dont really think i am either
43. even so, i can do pretty much anything if i set my mind to it.
44. this doesnt happen very often
45. i used to eat candy constatly
46. now i cant stand sweets
47. i like spicy food
48. i think its sexy
49. the first real CD i ever bought was Ramones "Mania" in 9 grade, in Cleveland
50. i bought it because i wanted a CD and they played i wanna be sedated on my so called life
51. i dont think real, honest love exists.
52. if it does, i dont want any part of it
53. i dont really see myself getting involved seriously again
54. before a few years ago i had no idea how to talk to girls/go on dates
55. now that i know, it all bores me
56. i had my first kiss when i was 17
57. it was after my first date, just an awkward kiss on the lips
58. it was awful
59. ive never slept with a girl i couldnt get to cum
60. my first car was an 89 honda accord
61. it was a peice of shit
62. i wish i had a full suit of armor i could wear in public
63. i hate watching sports
64. i played soccer for 11 years
65. cause my mom is german, they love that shit
66. i used to only speak german
67. id like to live in germany
68. im constantly thinking about moving
69. even if i stay in one town for a while, i cant stand to live in the same place for more than a year
70. i hate being at home
71. i love driving
72. i have no idea how i havent killed myself in a car yet
73. i almost drove my camaro into a pizza place
74. instead, i managed to slide it into a telephone poll
75. it sucked
76. after that, i bought a broke down Porsche, and tought myself how to drive stick
77. i didnt celebrate halloween as a kid
78. in retrospect i dont think i was missing out on much
79. i am a member of the official Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Club
80. when i was 10 i wrote a leter to president reagen and someone wrote back as if it were him
81. that always made me like reagen
82. i met steven tyler when my dad went to rehab
83. he freaked me out
84. im sterile
85. not because of steven tyler. i just am
86. nothing makes me happier than knowing that
87. my dad used to worry i was gay
88. he was really releived when i brought home my first girlfriend
89. he still kicked us out cause he didnt like the idea of us having sex in his house or something like that
90. i used to cut myself, i have scars all up and down my legs
91. i made a promise one night to someone i loved that i would never do it again and i havent since
92. i think AC/DC is seriously one of the best bands to ever exist
93. the first time i heard "the man in black" i cried
94. i almost never cry
95. i give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they may be a cool person until they prove me wrong
96. i give no one the benefit of the doubt that they may be trustworthy until they prove them self
97. once someone betrays my trust i can not ever really trust them again, even if i want to
98. ive never broken a bone
99. i think tuesday is pretty alright. im glad we e-met
100. i aplologize to anyone who read this whole thing. if i ever meet any of you in real life, remind me, and ill let you sock me in the stomach
i'd like to hear it anyway...
p.s - shoulder girl, isn't that kind of girl.