The weight of my burden was immense and I could feel them dragging behind me. With every step I took the weight only seemed to increase, as if there were anchors burrowing themselves into the ground. Had I looked behind me I would have seen them there sharp and barbed holding tight to the soft forest soil. As I struggled hard to continue forward, the...
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His words stuck with me and I knew that I would have to pace myself for the rest of the climb. I wasnt sure what it was that I would miss along the way (because I thought the goal was the most important aspect of the journey), but I knew that he was not one to be disregarded. The things he had told me were...
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"Like Don Quixote I had spent my time with my nose in books reading about adventure and never embarking on one. Luckily for me, I was not out jousting windmills; instead I was talking to strange men in caves and taking advice from a talking deer. "
Sounds like me, my dear. You are in good company.
nice username.
The plateau I was standing on at the top of the cliff was fairly large, it was like a giant step on a staircase up the mountain, and the next step was the top. Not wanting to waist anymore time I rushed toward the next slope leading up the mountain and began climbing as fast as I could. I leapt from boulder to boulder all...
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Sorry I did not come back to say hi again before I left. frown
Maybe next month!!!!! Miss ya.
The climb was simple at first because I was able to walk up the steep path, but as I ascended higher I was forced to begin climbing. Large boulders provided a good route for climbing and I found myself making my way up still fairly easily. Eventually I reached a point where I could not go any farther forward and up. In front of me...
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Though there was no moon out, the night seemed to be very brightly lit by the amount of stars that were scattered all over the sky. It was bright enough to penetrate the trees and light a path in front of me and even if I couldnt see very far ahead of me, as I walked forward things seemed to illuminate, like I had light...
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Beautiful entry... can I save it??? yea, Tami and Mike got married!!!!! Isn't that the cutest thing ever, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stolen from someone else:

Seven things to do before I die:

1) Get my Phd
2) Travel across the Eurasian continent
3) Get over my irrational fear of the ocean
4) Become a superspy
5) Write a book
6) Move across the world
7) Learn to shred hard

Seven Things I Cannot Do

1) A flip
2) not be in school
3) stay in the...
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Search flabber much?

The man was dressed in robes that were worn with age and they flowed about him as he strode, making him look quite majestic. His hair was completely white and one couldnt tell where it ended and his beard began; both of which hung down to his waste. He wore no shoes, but his feet did not look worse for wear even though it was...
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cave in?

i listen to coast to coast am
mostly only arts shows because i dont like george noorey
When I had realized how close I was to the thickening trees at the base of the mountains, I stopped running and stopped quite suddenly. The odd thing was that when I stopped there was no surge forward due to inertia; I just ceased to move, like I had run straight into a wall. However, the scenery around me took time to come back into...
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Happy birthday! smile
ive never thought of my nose as big