I have encountered the first real obstacle in being unemployed. No goddamn health care. I have really terrible allergies, and my Allegra prescription ran out a few days ago. I had a miserable, throbbing sinus headache today. Took some Benadryl and became a fuckin' zombie. Rrrrrrrrrrrr
What do you do for pills when you have no insurance? Those junk e-mails are getting enticing.
Listening to: Van Morrison - Veedon Fleece

What do you do for pills when you have no insurance? Those junk e-mails are getting enticing.
Listening to: Van Morrison - Veedon Fleece
I take Drixoral - it doesn't zombify me. It used to be perscription, but they made it OTC
you were just down south-you could have gone into tijuana and gotten drugs. but you would have to have gotten some for me too. and no,i'm ain't talking about no allergy pills!