Bathroom cleaned - CHECK
Necessitormobile tuned up - CHECK
Laundry finished - CHECK
Stray CDs & LPs filed - CHECK
Tomorrow's the gym. Intend to make good on my unspoken vow to go there every other day while I am unemployed.
Speaking of which, I got a call from my ex-supervisor over the weekend...seems she thinks she might have forgotten to sign my severance check. I already deposited it, and didn't notice. D'oh! Well, if it's not signed, we'll get it straightened out in short order. Tomorrow I was planning on stopping by there for a former co-worker's birthday. That might be...weird
Oh yeah, and the executive director called me today asking if I wanted to do some contracted distribution work. Nah...I want to enjoy a little time off.
Man, that place is going to be a stress powder keg. I'm bummed that I don't have steady work, but I'm glad I'm out.
I can't wait to go to LA...get on the road
Listening to: Van Morrison - the Philosopher's Stone
Necessitormobile tuned up - CHECK
Laundry finished - CHECK
Stray CDs & LPs filed - CHECK
Tomorrow's the gym. Intend to make good on my unspoken vow to go there every other day while I am unemployed.
Speaking of which, I got a call from my ex-supervisor over the weekend...seems she thinks she might have forgotten to sign my severance check. I already deposited it, and didn't notice. D'oh! Well, if it's not signed, we'll get it straightened out in short order. Tomorrow I was planning on stopping by there for a former co-worker's birthday. That might be...weird

Oh yeah, and the executive director called me today asking if I wanted to do some contracted distribution work. Nah...I want to enjoy a little time off.
Man, that place is going to be a stress powder keg. I'm bummed that I don't have steady work, but I'm glad I'm out.
I can't wait to go to LA...get on the road

Listening to: Van Morrison - the Philosopher's Stone
i am not ernest borgnine!!! what are you going to la for?
ya-i just got off of the phone with anne. she's feeling fine,so don't worry! it supersucks though....