Pardon the pontification. I believe I'm about to babble a bit, so please forgive the mess.

How much time do you spend looking inside yourself? I mean, we're all supposedly self-aware, right? Isn't that one of the commonly accepted definitions of being a sentient life form? However, I think we all have a nice facade that we've constructed internally. A facade that provides us with...
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thanks for the sweet comment on my set!
Hi there!
I'm a largely unobtrusive, mellow musician/tech geek who loves being a father. I have an addiction to filling out profiles on social networking sites, and love to seem witty when in fact I'm not. Ha.

While I doubt many people will read this, I spend quite a bit of time reading and learning about people in all walks of life, in an attempt...
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I'm glad you can offer your hand to those of us who might need it. I feel better knowing there are people like you out there. :)