I got my permit!
And a car!
Now I just need to learn how to drive and pass the driving test. Hopefully that won't be too hard...
Things are OK
Yay, OK
My spring break is next week, which is pretty cool. I plan to relax alot, read, take baths, work on that driving thing, get stuff done for English...basically prepare myself for the rest of this semester. After break it'll just be finishing out March, and then doing April...and I'll be done! Final exams are May 1-6. I think I can do it.
In other news, I really want to get this tatto done. Tommy got me a gift certificate for this tatto place downtown. All the artists there are women, which is pretty cool...that'll make me less nervous. I need to have it drawn though, I guess I should just go to the artists....
It's going to be my cat, Blackie's eyes, and his stripes. In the middle of my back, between my shoulder blades.
^Thats him!
I want it all in black and just his eyes and stripes, I want the eye color in green though. I want the stripes to show the shap of his face. I'm no artist, I don't even know if it's possible to do that in 2D. I guess we will see.
The tattoo shop will be my first destination when I get my license.
And a car!
Now I just need to learn how to drive and pass the driving test. Hopefully that won't be too hard...
Things are OK
Yay, OK
My spring break is next week, which is pretty cool. I plan to relax alot, read, take baths, work on that driving thing, get stuff done for English...basically prepare myself for the rest of this semester. After break it'll just be finishing out March, and then doing April...and I'll be done! Final exams are May 1-6. I think I can do it.
In other news, I really want to get this tatto done. Tommy got me a gift certificate for this tatto place downtown. All the artists there are women, which is pretty cool...that'll make me less nervous. I need to have it drawn though, I guess I should just go to the artists....
It's going to be my cat, Blackie's eyes, and his stripes. In the middle of my back, between my shoulder blades.

^Thats him!
I want it all in black and just his eyes and stripes, I want the eye color in green though. I want the stripes to show the shap of his face. I'm no artist, I don't even know if it's possible to do that in 2D. I guess we will see.
The tattoo shop will be my first destination when I get my license.

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