my favorite tv advert of all time. always leaves me breathless.
it's so beautiful yet insidious.
sure, there's a bottom line, and markets to milk, but if you can empower a generation of women to know they can be strong and athletic, remind the asians in the world that they can be just as dominant in sports, or break other stereotypes, then i suppose its a good thing... or it might just be subterfuge on a huge scale.
either way, they are amazing persuaders... for better or for worse.
i worked at wieden+kennedy for a little while (the main creative force behind Nike), and they seem to have a good balance of both. no other job inspired me on a daily basis quite like they did.
you find the most extraordinary, ridiculously talented, and anti-ad people working for ad agencies. funny how that works out. well, not really. it's cause they pay well and give opportunities to work on really brilliant stuff.
the 100mph world of advertising.
they say you burn out in 2 years. if you last longer, it's cause you're burning other people out.
so, who wants to shoot? let's shoot dammit.
it's so beautiful yet insidious.
sure, there's a bottom line, and markets to milk, but if you can empower a generation of women to know they can be strong and athletic, remind the asians in the world that they can be just as dominant in sports, or break other stereotypes, then i suppose its a good thing... or it might just be subterfuge on a huge scale.
either way, they are amazing persuaders... for better or for worse.
i worked at wieden+kennedy for a little while (the main creative force behind Nike), and they seem to have a good balance of both. no other job inspired me on a daily basis quite like they did.
you find the most extraordinary, ridiculously talented, and anti-ad people working for ad agencies. funny how that works out. well, not really. it's cause they pay well and give opportunities to work on really brilliant stuff.
the 100mph world of advertising.
they say you burn out in 2 years. if you last longer, it's cause you're burning other people out.
so, who wants to shoot? let's shoot dammit.
b.) That's a really beautiful commercial, as far as commercials go. I love its fluidity.
c.) Bean fish pancakes are equally delicious!
I'll do a search for that video later, about to crawl into bed with "The Human Zoo"
And ya I had seen that clip you posted to me, I agree with all that he said, and I'm damn proud of him for saying that. (Hey I'm Scottish descent, I should be proud of him.
Have to say, people should leave the poor gal alone, she's human, we all fuck up somehow, her fuck ups are just on tv/news all the time.