Have you all been keeping up with the goodness that is Zoe?
WZW Dec 24
WZW Dec 31
WZW Jan 7
Say hi to some lovely resident staffers:
My favs as manifested through one run-on sentence:
The Office has been hilarious - I loved Pan's Labyrinth - The Burning Crusade is the pinnacle of gaming, Nick Cave and Bright Eyes have been in heavy rotation.
I haven't much to complain about, except that I'm tired of helping friends with projects that I don't believe in. For free.
This has been my favorite thing as of late:
I plan to make one this weekend.
Take care all.
i have to see pans lab soon, hoping tomorrow me and friends will head out and see it. if not, i may have to hurt them all.
i don't know how i missed this post on Friday. But i saw Pan's Labyrinth Friday night and loved it, tooo