I was just talking to my friend the other day about 50 Shades of Grey, an I told her that while I had no problem with the storyline an the progression of the main character's journey into this world most people have never experienced, I could never read it because the excerpts I've read seem like they are written by a high school sophomore! She argued tooth and nail with me but argued the quality of the books based on their other merits. I kept arguing that it was written very poorly, like a 14 year old wrote it, but that the storyline, the introduction to the (for lack of a better word) fetish was done well. It wa just bad dialogue and descriptions.
It bothers me when people defend they likes just because they like them! It's ok (better even) to like something while still wing objective to it! I understand why other people don't like "The Russians Are Coming!"or "Cat Ballou" because when they say that the jokes are a little dated with an old fashioned delivery, I say "Ya, I can understand that. But I still think they're hilarious!" Yet so many other people will defend the Harry Potter movies (not the books, they rule!) or twilight or 50 shades just because they don't want to admit that it's anything but perfect. It always makes me want to yell, "That's stupid, and you need to learn to be objective!"