A wiring problem. This whole time, and it's a fucking wiring problem.

I go without my cable modem for two goddamn weeks, and all I had to do was check the friggin' splitter.

I'm an asshole.

Don't agree with that.
I had the same exact thing happen to me. I felt like a dumbass. But you shouldntwink
Ok, second day in a row I got a total of three hours of sleep. It's not cool.

If I bolt awake like this again, I'm gonna be very upset.
I had a dream last night that my girlfriend had sex with AL. I was there, but wasn't involved... I can't remember if I was watching or not. It was a happy time, until I bolted awake at 6 AM. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Optimum Online blows. Just for reference.

My cable modem has decided it didn't want to connect for more than 5 minutes for the past four days. And it's not like it was a problem with the lines around here, my cousin has the same service, right down the road, and has had no problem getting at least 100 k/s transfers every day this week. Bastards.
OK, so I been sick for a week. Maybe it's time to see somebody about it.
Woah, my voice is like, totally an octave deeper. I'm all deep-voiced today. Like the deep-voiced group.

Seriously, I sound like my sister's boyfriend.
Man... if I wasn't sick, I'd probably be enjoying the hell out of this Benedryl high... but of course, if I wasn't sick, I wouldn't have taken the Benedryl.
Awesome, they're turning Hellboy into a movie. If it sucks, I won't forgive them.
this is my first 3rd edition D&D game. I'm like a 3rd edition virgin...touched for the very first time. and all that. yeah.
You mean the homsar page? It was like a normal front page only it was homesar and he was spouting out random shit...like "Keelsey Grammar"...."legitimate business"...maybe they'll put it back up...it was pretty funny...

C:\>del selfpity.txt

File deleted.


Yeah, so I was feeling a bit crappy this morning. I'm mostly over it now.
I've no idea what this journal entry is or was...but thanks for the kind words in my journal...
think step 2 will be to move to Holland with this sweetie i know online and just live the live of a vagrant artist in the streets...he he i'm such a good decision maker
I watched Cool Runnings again for the 8th time today, it happened to be on Cinemax before I went to work. Classic stuff.

In other news, I still haven't cut my hair, and fell down on the bus today. Go me!
wtf, cool runnings?