grrr. aurgh. meow. lost and confused. all the usual crap coming back up to haunt me. you'd think i'd get to some point where i'd figure all of this shit out. stupid indecisive nature. i need to decide, yes, and do the work, or no, and actually follow through on that.
ah vagueness, you're back, my friend. am i too old for this shit? the...
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ah vagueness, you're back, my friend. am i too old for this shit? the...
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I read it. Of course ... a month after you posted ... better late than never huh ?
umm... hrmmm.. someone gifted me back my account. would the anonymous gifter care to reveal themselves? why did you want my account reactivated?
well.. in any case, i've kept modeling, not here obviously. i'm on zivity if anyone would like to check it out it's here:
you can sign up for a free month from that page as well.
perhaps i'll consider submitting a...
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well.. in any case, i've kept modeling, not here obviously. i'm on zivity if anyone would like to check it out it's here:
you can sign up for a free month from that page as well.
perhaps i'll consider submitting a...
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so.. in case any of you are interested, here's a recent photo shoot i did. the first is a link to some of the photos i put in my portfolio, the second link is the rest of the photos from the most recent shoot. enjoy.
pics added to porfolio
lulievision furs
oh.. and as for my account expiring.. i'm not leaving in a huff or...
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pics added to porfolio
lulievision furs
oh.. and as for my account expiring.. i'm not leaving in a huff or...
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Love the new photos... will be sorry to see you go now that I am back...

Those are some crazy-ass chaps.
life continues. forever is suspended. and i'm cutting and pasting my life into manageable moments.
i think my account might expire soon. within the next couple of months or so i believe. i don't have the energy to put together another shoot to either gain myself 'sg' status or have another set rejected and get the consolation prize of a free membership. but if anyone...
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i think my account might expire soon. within the next couple of months or so i believe. i don't have the energy to put together another shoot to either gain myself 'sg' status or have another set rejected and get the consolation prize of a free membership. but if anyone...
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Every story has two sides. Or two hundred.
what toothpickmoe said... -shrug-
but hey to each their own and best wishes

what toothpickmoe said... -shrug-
but hey to each their own and best wishes

happy friggin new year and welcome me back to the world of the unemployed.
science killed my brain. i am now building a new one. twigsville both rocked and rolled my world... into a ball of cookie dough. with bacon.
i'm really into falling. all over the place it seems. but just for brief moments.
so.... anyone up for hiring me as a housepet? or...
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science killed my brain. i am now building a new one. twigsville both rocked and rolled my world... into a ball of cookie dough. with bacon.
i'm really into falling. all over the place it seems. but just for brief moments.
so.... anyone up for hiring me as a housepet? or...
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sorry to hear about unemployment...
so NYE was a success then? you still recuperating, or is there chance of dragging you to something ridiculous like the lawgiverz at mor bar tomorrow night?
so NYE was a success then? you still recuperating, or is there chance of dragging you to something ridiculous like the lawgiverz at mor bar tomorrow night?
Meh. I figured that's what happened. You and two others got "holiday-ed".
The funny part is we've been absolutely slammed after the season.
Well, I hope you find something else to your liking. Maybe now you can focus more on what you like to do...

Well, I hope you find something else to your liking. Maybe now you can focus more on what you like to do...
i took a leap and decided to do something different for chrismahannakwanzaka. i drove up to san fran to see the boy. slept in the van and fell into him. hung out on haight st and in and around golden gate park. sat on a street corner on christmas day and yelled at passersby. and began realizing what i might want. or need. and with...
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It'll hopefully be okay - from all accounts I've heard gigsville is kinda like family on even its worst days, so all should be fine and dandy... either case, good luck and all that
I'm planning to be in town through next weekend (must get to Lawgiverz on Thursday night at all costs!)...
I'm planning to be in town through next weekend (must get to Lawgiverz on Thursday night at all costs!)...
Well, that sounds interesting. Hopefully you'll find that community to be welcoming. If not, their loss.
Have a happy new year, too. I'll see you when you get back.

Have a happy new year, too. I'll see you when you get back.
definitions are meaningless. so i'm more single than i was previously. or however you want to look at it. the boy that i've been in a poly relationship with for the past year and a half or so (a year of that long distance) .... we talked today.. about feeling distance and unconnectedness lately... and so we are going to try and be better at...
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Officially single isn't so bad... Don't go rushing into anything you don't want to do, but at the same time don't go avoiding the concept if you should meet someone intriguing...
I've wanted to do SantaCon for the last three years, but something always manages to get in the way.... a couple campmates go, it'd be a blast. And of course, this year there's added insult to injury, since we're having a shindig at Space Island as well...
But on the plus side, it's looking like I'll get into LA around the 27th and stay through the new year...
I've wanted to do SantaCon for the last three years, but something always manages to get in the way.... a couple campmates go, it'd be a blast. And of course, this year there's added insult to injury, since we're having a shindig at Space Island as well...
But on the plus side, it's looking like I'll get into LA around the 27th and stay through the new year...
Twigsville sounds like fun, and yeah I was thinking the same thing

fun with photoshop
i am alive and kicking. just a note to all the concerned. i am nothing if not a survivor. i'm like a damn cockroach that way. my illness has for the most part just become a cold now.. and that i can deal with.
this week i finally gained employment, so soon i will not be entirely destitute. though looking at my delinquent bills list,...
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this week i finally gained employment, so soon i will not be entirely destitute. though looking at my delinquent bills list,...
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What, no hello?

Miz Dragynn,
(good luck with the job/bills/food thing... wish I could help you somehow...)

(good luck with the job/bills/food thing... wish I could help you somehow...)
no job. no money. no health insurance. and i'm sick again. weeeeeeeee. yeah... this life thing.. it's really kicking my ass.
Those are some very interesting observations you've made in your journals. I will now making a feeble attempt to cheer you up.
What did the masochist say to the sadist? "Hit me!" What did the sadist say in reply? "No!"
What did the masochist say to the sadist? "Hit me!" What did the sadist say in reply? "No!"
u r absolutely beautiful ... wow ... how about if i fly out to LA and photograph u and then take u to dinner ... what do u say ... very beautiful
hope.... is a strange thing. the emotions that i put myself through. i know that i don't have anything to stand on.... but i still grapple with it... edge out my toes further, insisting that they will feel something stable and solid.
why now? and what is now? all of my past making up what is to be my future..... how much have i changed?...
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why now? and what is now? all of my past making up what is to be my future..... how much have i changed?...
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Strange that I connect to a lot of what you wrote - vague, cryptic, or whatever.
Sorry to have missed you on the playa... how was your burn, and how have you been finding life in LA?
Sorry to have missed you on the playa... how was your burn, and how have you been finding life in LA?
confessions of drivel are what it's all about.
only old nin? find with teeth pretty wicked.
only old nin? find with teeth pretty wicked.
back to life, back to reality. heh.
finally made it back to Los Angeles after a small but strange diversion... crazy thing this love is....
i stopped in reno for a night on my way out and hung around a coffeehouse in reno for a day chatting with some local burners.... and an end of a conversation went something like this:
girl: how do you...
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finally made it back to Los Angeles after a small but strange diversion... crazy thing this love is....
i stopped in reno for a night on my way out and hung around a coffeehouse in reno for a day chatting with some local burners.... and an end of a conversation went something like this:
girl: how do you...
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I've done something like that before. Distilled my mind down to a single statement. The problem is, for me at least, that statement changes from month to month.