Time for a change.

- D -
OK, let's talk.

But I think you should do it if you're comfortable with it.
OK, let's talk.

But I think you should do it if you're comfortable with it.
Removed due to lack of relevance...
Call me at work asap. I will also be home tonight. I know what you mean, my second visit there made me realize I did NOT want to live there.
Didn't know things were this bad. It's crazy around here too D. I'll explain why later. I haven't been home at all, otherwise I'd call. Best to catch me at work. I'd love to have you back here!

[Edited on Sep 09, 2003]
What the hell is the point...

I'm thirty-seven, make a comparatively decent income, am not (I hope) horrific to look at, intellectual, off-beat, open-minded, contemplative, a good listener, balanced, blah, blah, blah...

And I'm alone. Utterly, totally, alone. Nobody to spend time with. Nobody to talk to. Nobody to hear. Nobody to listen.

I go to work. I get along. I pretend to smile. I...
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OK, so here's the deal.

I've been living in LA for about eight months. When I got here it seemed like a cool place - nice weather, some interesting shops, lots of people. and a job that seemed perfect.

Eight months later. I still love the job, but...

Eleven hour days. Plastic people who think I'm a savage 'cause I don't drive a car. No...
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Your not alone here at SG; I just got done helping to console somebody ele about how much they don't to live in LA. Is there an SGLA group? Maybe you could join and get up w/them. Money isn't always the answer, is it? Sorry I don't have any better advice for you...
SGLA is very fussy about "references". To get references, you've got to know someone who's OK by SGLA standards. Classic catch-22.

Since I'm not so good with making new friends, SGLA is not gonna happen ---- bummer.

As for LA, I know now that I don't belong here. I just have to find somewhere that's "right" to go to.

Wishing I didn"t have to deal with all this shit all by my lonesome, but that's just how it is.

- Job offers are falling out of the sky.
- One of them is really starting to sound tempting.
- But I really like my job now.
- But I'm not having any fun in LA.
- But I've only been here seven months.
- But... but... but...

I'm very confused.

Job offers really are rare here, it sucks.
So that's a good thing for you, if you ever get bored of your present job, you'll have no problem finding something else smile
Life is stress.

And then more stress.

yeah and then your husband almost dies.
A short random comment.

Someone at work spotted a piece of art in my cube today, a largish female robot picture, and asked if it was by Soroyama.

Soroyama is the artist who paints those amazing "Sexy Robot" pictures - very cool stuff, and I've got a huge amount of respect for his skill.

But the piece in my cube isn't by Soroyama, it's by...
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What did you think of Equilibrium?

Congrats on the comment...you have alot of buried talent for illustration. Dig it up.
I'm sorry about your father. But you really should have talked to me about it. Vacations are meant to be fun yes but there's very little of that to be had if your friends are in pain and trapped inside. Can you take some time off to ge see him?

I dont date any more.

Its not that Im attached, or have any aversion to the opposite sex. Far from it Women obsess me - I have a constant, aching craving for a mate. Hell, I think I may even be leering constantly, but I just cant help myself.

The thing is, Im utterly, absolutely, positively useless when it comes to dating.

Im smart...
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you haven't been in LA long right? i'm sure that you'll come across someone who thinks your obsessive rituals are ultra cute. especially the "dumping everything out of the fridge into a pot on sunday" ritual.

[Edited on Jun 18, 2003]
The Rita Rudner Moment

I live in LA and I dont own a car. Hell, I dont even have a valid drivers license any more. I gave up driving a couple of years ago and I dont miss it. I --hate-- driving cars. Every time I get in one I have the weird feeling that Im gonna get in an accident. Sort of a Vic-Morrow-I-Dont-Want-To-Ever-Get-In-A-Helicopter...
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LA --- Cold is 60 degrees. Hot is 90 degrees.

Toronto --- Cold is minus 20 degrees. Hot is 110 degrees.

Vancouver --- Cold is 30 degrees. Hot is 100 degrees,

I'll stick with LA - it's way more consistant than anywhere else I've lived for an extended period.
That's the spirit! I think we are happiest when we TRULY stop giving a shit what other people think. Normalcy is a measured by numbers, not by individuals. But individuals are the artists, inventors and intellectuals of our time. Fuck normalcy and the masses that propagate it.
