i wish i could speak in euskara, the basque language, the devils tongue, language of mysterious origin...so many x's and z's! it's where we get the word bizarre (via french). and the word robot was coined in 1920 by a czech playwright. just so you know.
umeak barre egin du
'the child has laughed
Zuk asko dakizu
'you know a lot'
gaur euria egin du
'it has rained today
maite zaitut!
'i love you'
amets eder bat amets egin dut
'I have dreamt a beautiful dream'
literally: dream beautiful one dream made have-I
my favorite thing is when people take on the names of people more famous and well known than them. thusly, i had to. i think the shift from a doctor who knows nothing to our current 'president' is little. marinate. peace. (wait, scratch the last part).
umeak barre egin du
'the child has laughed
Zuk asko dakizu
'you know a lot'
gaur euria egin du
'it has rained today
maite zaitut!
'i love you'
amets eder bat amets egin dut
'I have dreamt a beautiful dream'
literally: dream beautiful one dream made have-I
my favorite thing is when people take on the names of people more famous and well known than them. thusly, i had to. i think the shift from a doctor who knows nothing to our current 'president' is little. marinate. peace. (wait, scratch the last part).
holy mackerel, g.w., i had no idea. 

for a fascist republican, you've got good taste in music.