the other day, when we were camping on one of the last undeveloped beaches on the island, i was walking along the lava shelf collecting sea salt and saw the dark entrances to some lava tubes visible among the other myriad rocks and shadows. i always like to look in them and see if they open up into big ones (some are 30 miles long!) but mostly they're just little empty pockets in the earth not big enough to crawl into...
so, looking in, i can see that it's fairly big, tall ennough to stand in and wide enough to move around in and, as my eyes adjust, i can see that someone has built a platform for a bed! and there are votive candles everywhere and some old bean cans! it was at once terrifying and intriguing... terrifying b/c i associate caves w/ghosts and criminals (i could easily see a skeleton in there).... and of course i ran back to camp and got the flashlight so i could snoop looked like it had been vacant for a long time (it was hard to find) but i couldn't shake the feelling of being creeped out, probably just b/c of the presence of somebody else's stuff...but this is totally like my fantasy, a little lava cave next to an unspoiled beach and pristine water, an easy hitchhike into town... but while the life of the hermit is appealing, i know i need more in the way of people and friends and stimulation right now... an idea i like is that 'the small hermit lives in the mountains. the great hermit lives in the city'... that it is ultimately selfish to develop oneself w/o sharing it or helping others...but it was nice to see my little dream cave is real and i always know where it is.
so, looking in, i can see that it's fairly big, tall ennough to stand in and wide enough to move around in and, as my eyes adjust, i can see that someone has built a platform for a bed! and there are votive candles everywhere and some old bean cans! it was at once terrifying and intriguing... terrifying b/c i associate caves w/ghosts and criminals (i could easily see a skeleton in there).... and of course i ran back to camp and got the flashlight so i could snoop looked like it had been vacant for a long time (it was hard to find) but i couldn't shake the feelling of being creeped out, probably just b/c of the presence of somebody else's stuff...but this is totally like my fantasy, a little lava cave next to an unspoiled beach and pristine water, an easy hitchhike into town... but while the life of the hermit is appealing, i know i need more in the way of people and friends and stimulation right now... an idea i like is that 'the small hermit lives in the mountains. the great hermit lives in the city'... that it is ultimately selfish to develop oneself w/o sharing it or helping others...but it was nice to see my little dream cave is real and i always know where it is.
VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS probably content no matter where you are if you have a regular meditation practice (ninji, what is up, girl? would you ohm already? it's safe. and sound. and altogether fruitful).
your litle enclave wonderlands sound wondrous.
[Edited on Feb 18, 2003]