My little grape vine is growing like mad. I haven't looked at it in weeks. It's that plant almost all the way right.

The apple tree is growing pretty well, too. At least, I think it's apple.

It's gonna be a fruity autumn I guess.

(By the way, that swingset came with the house. I have no interest in children or having them over to...
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I've lost about 5 pounds in the last month and a half, primarily from changing how I eat, but also because of a total change of lifestyle. 5 pounds isn't much, and it's not like I needed to lose the weight, but I feel better, and I think I might look a little better. Still have a bit of a gut which I have no...
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Picking favorite SuicideGirls... I don't know how I could do that. Would I choose them by their looks, their attitudes in their writings? What if I picked 5 favorites, and then saw another SG later on that could be a favorite? Then I have to un-favorite one of SGs. I have to start quantifying them, to decide which one of them is my least favorite....
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Tried it, uploaded. It still appears the same way unfortunately. Maybe they only update the thumbs periodically?
so you've requsted to join the zoolander group...and as the "co-president" (as if there was one) I'm here to basically harass you for your Zoolander knowledge...please reply back to me (in my journal) with the answers to the following:

1.Who is recipient of the "Slashie" award in featured at the VH1 Model Awards?

2.What is the "trigger" song?

3.How does Zoolander spell "day"?

and a bonus:
4. Why you been acting so messed up toward me?