I didn't stay late today, but spending 8 hours in a heavily air conditioned NOC can really drain the life out of you. It's hard to keep hydrated when liquid beverages are not permitted.
'course, I say all that, and then I go home and do one of the worst things I can do, with regards to dehydration: I consume a bottle of wine. Heh. At least I can laugh really loud about stuff.
I finished up the upstairs portion of the wiring job I set out to do, in preparation for the Battlefield 2 event. I had help from friends who have done wiring professionally. The outlet looks good. Doesn't look all half-assed like the previous one (Comcast drilled a hole in the wall, put a plate up, and used fugly ass screws to attach it to the wall).
Haha. I'm sitting here holding the TiVo remote upside down and cracking up that I'm hitting the wrong buttons. I'm so glad I'm not a violent drunk.
'course, I say all that, and then I go home and do one of the worst things I can do, with regards to dehydration: I consume a bottle of wine. Heh. At least I can laugh really loud about stuff.
I finished up the upstairs portion of the wiring job I set out to do, in preparation for the Battlefield 2 event. I had help from friends who have done wiring professionally. The outlet looks good. Doesn't look all half-assed like the previous one (Comcast drilled a hole in the wall, put a plate up, and used fugly ass screws to attach it to the wall).
Haha. I'm sitting here holding the TiVo remote upside down and cracking up that I'm hitting the wrong buttons. I'm so glad I'm not a violent drunk.