Do you know how you know when someone is loved and adored? When half my fb and sg feed is filled with love for Melly Mel. Although we haven't spoken much it still makes me smile that your friends remember you dearly and pay the respects that is due to an awesome person. Have a great time in the chat room in the sky. Hand... Read More
its ok, I am glad they love their photos i guess. I dont have a contract. Im not really a wedding photographer more or less, it was done as a favor, and already for nothing as it was. esp for the hassle and amount of work done. but its ok. maybe i am too passive aggressive?
its ok....i dont like to do that kinda stuff. im more kinda sad. esp since ive been very patient with them through them already writing mean stuff on my facebook wall. basically my house was broken into and all my work was basically stolen when my drives were also stolen. so.....i had to redo all of it. and working two jobs. well...i feel bad they had to wait so long. i dont know. i guess i had hoped they would still pay me....
Dayum Bro. That's deep shit. But you are right, friendship goes both ways. If they are always dumping their emotional baggage on you, but then aren't there for you when you need them, then you should cut the dead weight. IMHO.
Wanted to call you today to say i love you, but your old number is no longer in service. I tried the operator she said sorry i have no number for you. I tried to go to your house, but you don't live there anymore. The post office has no forwarding address. I guess heaven is just too far away. I love you, i miss... Read More