I was sent a text by one of my buddies - The most important part of the text was the "Be the kind of person that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "oh crap they're up" , love the people that treat you right, forgive the ones who don't just because you can. God never said life would be easy, he just said it would be worth it." After reading that I almost shed a tear because I was on the phone with a jerk of a debt collector that spoke to me like I was some bitch not knowing the entire story, as in so mad I would have thrown a chair at her face. I am the least violent person yet I get angry all the time. I just am tired of stupid situations happening everytime I think I have a leg up. It is ok, I still look forward to the next day, look forward to talking to you guys on chat, looking at your beautiful faces. It makes a person feel good that for a few hours you can disappear from reality. Anyways my birthday is coming soon as in 2 months..lol there are 2 things I look forward to, my outfit that I gonna be rockin and speaking to my g'ma. I light 3 candles for her on my bday. I do miss her dearly. Anyways on to some rockin music
And i love your new(er) profile pic!