sorry to lay this big summary of 2010 on you, but it shouldn't take too long to read. overall, it wasn't my best year, but looking back I think some important events took place that set the groundwork for good things to come.
My 2010, as I see it:
early 2010
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I finally got to hang out with my buddy
desormais, easily one of the best people I've ever made friends with on here. unfortunately, we haven't been able to do much together as of late, mostly due to neither of us having a car (he lives quite a bit outside of Baltimore and is hard to get to via public trans).
I also spent most of the first half of 2010 trying to deal with the sudden loss of a good friend. they didn't die, they just couldn't be friends any more.
hotbits is another of my favorite people I have ever met on here, but sadly her on-again, off-again boyfriend didn't want her talking to me anymore. such is life. can't say I took it that well, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
I began working with a new sales partner at work, basically finding leads for him. this is also about the time I started thinking that I want to do more with my life. I started thinking about going to law school in 2011...
mid 2010
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for the 4th of July I flew up to Chicago and did the regular tourist stuff, since it was my first time there. I also met
JustLostOne, and it's safe to say we've been buddies ever since. it's funny because we are quite different in style and personality, but what we have in common is being a couple of nice guys trying to do whatever it takes to deal with the not-so-nice things the world spits out now and then. oh, and I also got to finally meet
Kraven up there too.
I also started studying for the horrible LSAT exam required for getting into law school. I had just about completely given up on advancing in the advertising world.
and I got to see one of my favorite bands of all time, Pavement.
oh, and I turned 29
end of 2010
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by this time, I was ready to quit my job at any moment. the only thing keeping me there was the hope of maybe being able to buy a small condo, which I would need to have an actual job to get approved for, and for applying to law schools. I took the LSAT and did alright, then finished up my applications.
I had a good Halloween dressed up as the mad hatter, and I went to the Stewart/Colbert rally downtown, which was alright.
now, I'm packed up for my New Year's trip to Chicago for a few days. here's hoping 2011 rocks.
Happy New Year to everyone.
2011 is looking to be a good year for you - hopefully getting into law school and being able to start a new, more exciting chapter in your life.