I'm feeling rather fed up with this city, this routine that I have and the people in this fucked up city. Southern hospitality is fucking bullshit when its about Bitchmond. I gave in and applied for a job in Northern Virginia. There are many things that I dont like it about that place but I need to look at the big picture and it would be a drastic improvement.
I also found something in Raleigh where the people are actually nice to you when you go there and its apparently rated as one of the better places to live. If this goes on much longer Im joining the freaking army so I can go to Iraq.
I also found something in Raleigh where the people are actually nice to you when you go there and its apparently rated as one of the better places to live. If this goes on much longer Im joining the freaking army so I can go to Iraq.
Oh dang, that's drastic. Los Angeles isn't necessarily the friendliest place on earth, but there are enough freaks to be entertained day and night. 

So freaky...........me and my hubby are tired of this town and the job market so we have been looking in Raleigh****plays theme of the twilight zone***
maybe its something in the water in VA??