Today has been very snazzy so far.
I went to my interview. They were really, really nice and friendly. Thank god for someone finally being nice in Ohio.
I sat with these two girls for over an hour. We talked about everything job related and everything non job related. It was good. I'm pretty sure I got it. The even cut a couple stands of hair for drug testing, so I think that's a good sign. I should know next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
My wonderful, fantastic, over the top dad, sent me gift cards to the local grocery store up here. So...I just got home from a 2 hour shopping spree. Now I have meat, food, razors (thank goodness), a carton of cigs, a box of wine, all the canned stuff, and everything in between. I know who's NOT eating ramen noodles or mac and cheese for a while . WOO HOO Way to go Daddy!
Went to the library, got some more books, so I am all set.
I am drinking my second glass of wine, feeling the warmth, since it is 415 pm and I have only had one cup of coffee and nothing to eat today, but who cares? Now I can eat.
Maybe later, though. I'm gonna take a nap. Lisa is tired.
Have a good evening.
Scrabble is in order tonight.
I went to my interview. They were really, really nice and friendly. Thank god for someone finally being nice in Ohio.

I sat with these two girls for over an hour. We talked about everything job related and everything non job related. It was good. I'm pretty sure I got it. The even cut a couple stands of hair for drug testing, so I think that's a good sign. I should know next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
My wonderful, fantastic, over the top dad, sent me gift cards to the local grocery store up here. So...I just got home from a 2 hour shopping spree. Now I have meat, food, razors (thank goodness), a carton of cigs, a box of wine, all the canned stuff, and everything in between. I know who's NOT eating ramen noodles or mac and cheese for a while . WOO HOO Way to go Daddy!
Went to the library, got some more books, so I am all set.
I am drinking my second glass of wine, feeling the warmth, since it is 415 pm and I have only had one cup of coffee and nothing to eat today, but who cares? Now I can eat.
Maybe later, though. I'm gonna take a nap. Lisa is tired.
Have a good evening.
Scrabble is in order tonight.

If you blog my journal you can see about 7 or so throughout the course of me being on SG.
Thats the best stuff I have written, in my opinion, in all my years writing.
Didn't know there was a poetry group. Figures since there are so many genres of groups anyhow.
Hope your weekend is going smoothly.